Laxey Creek Sheep Ranch: Growing community is at the heart of sustainable farming

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We at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service care about working lands and the people who work them. For Jeremie Favre and Ellen Geisler, their farm is everything. “It’s our heartbeat,” Favre shares.

The Laxey Creek Sheep Ranch is a thriving example of sustainable farming in southwestern Wisconsin that prioritizes both the productivity of their livestock and the conservation of grasslands. With their prolific sheep lambing every 8 months, they're doing something right. It may sound like a fable, two kids, three dogs and 500 sheep, but with the help of our agency, this Swiss-American family is putting the grass back in grasslands.

A native to Switzerland, Jeremie Favre moved to Wisconsin for grad school where he met his wife, Ellen Geisler, and started a family. Though initially looking for land to buy in Favre’s homeland, they had more luck in Wisconsin, where they are now starting their sheep ranch from scratch on a 180-acre plot in the southern Driftless Area.

Their commitment to sustainability shines through in every aspect of their operation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is supporting them in their mission.

Finding a partnership

Mike Engel, a biologist in our Partners for Fish and Wildlife program, works everyday building relationships with landowners. “We provide hands-on assistance and equipment that landowners need,” Engel says, “to plant productive pastures.” Engel explains that the point of his role is to provide landowners with resources to make the best decisions for their farm and wildlife. This voluntary and collaborative approach to working with landowners, like Favre and Geisler, is key to our mission to protect our shared resources.

“I get along great with Mike,” Favre explained, saying how he likes working with our agency because of the lack of bureaucracy and the practical advice he’s receiving.

Our agency prioritizes working on lands that have the most benefit to the most species. The Laxey Creek Sheep Ranch falls within an area that has a lot of potential for supporting biodiversity. Our efforts to support landowners creating and stewarding grasslands in southwest Wisconsin are a part of larger commitment from non-profit, local, state and federal teams known as the Southern Driftless Grasslands partnership. Working farms, like Laxey Creek Sheep Ranch, are critical to implementing the landscape conservation designs that benefit wildlife, economies and people.

Putting the grass in grassland

Favre credits the success of the sheep ranch to the quality of the feed. With rolling hills and shallow soil, the land is well suited for his method of choice, rotation grazing. With a graduate degree in agronomy, Favre sees the role of grass both as a valuable crop and a natural resource.

Before rotational grazing on the newly bought ranch could begin, the family needed to seed their lands into pasture. To seed land, they needed a drill. Favre spoke with his county extension program who informed him that he could borrow – at no-cost – equipment supporting his conservation efforts from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Our agency has been borrowing Favre a no-till seed drill every spring since, assisting his economic and environmental efforts. “That drill was significant for us,” Favre noted, saying how it would be a huge barrier to find a drill every year for an acreage as small as his. This tool is allowing them to plant a diverse mix of native grasses, which keep their sheep healthy and productive.

Through their rotational grazing practices, Favre and Geisler are transforming their land into vibrant grasslands that benefit both their sheep and the local wildlife, economy and community.

Watering the grassland 

“Around here, every acre is a shoreline.” Favre says, referencing how their watershed runs to larger lakes and ponds.

Laxey Creek, the namesake of the ranch, runs through the property, and it’s one of the most productive streams in the watershed. According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Laxey Creek is home to native brook trout so healthy they outstrip all other trout in the area in age and size class – making them an angler’s favorite.

Engel points out that Favre and Geisler’s farm plays an essential role in protecting Laxey Creek. Even during the winter, their fields stay covered with grass, which helps keep the soil in place and the water clean.

Community in grasslands

The impact of Laxey Creek Sheep Ranch extends beyond ecological restoration, it positively influences the local economy too. Giesler has been working hard to sell lamb directly to consumers, creating connections and boosting the local economy. “It’s the best marriage of food production and environmental stewardship,” says Favre.

In partnership with our agency and others, the family hosted a field day on the farm. About 65 attendees learned how the family started their commercial sheep farm from scratch.

“We really want this farm to benefit others by bringing people together and being a hub for sustainability,” Favre says. They want to turn their ranch into a hub for education, community and sustainability.

Looking ahead, the family has exciting plans for developing their newly erected farm and sharing their wisdom with others. The Laxey Creek Sheep Ranch serves as a prime example of how dedicated stewardship and strategic partnerships can yield remarkable environmental benefits and agricultural productivity. Through collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this family is not only nurturing their farm, they’re also fostering a legacy of sustainability and demonstrating that the best practices for food production and environmental stewardship can co-exist. 

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Working lands