Snapshot: Pollinator Garden Installed in Asheville's River Arts District

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Today it’s called the River Arts District, running along the French Broad River through Asheville, North Carolina. There are craft breweries, taco and barbeque joints, and places where you can order your raw oysters based on where they grew up.

Person kneeling on the ground with several potted plants, holding one in hand, speaking to people circled around him
Asheville Field Office biologist Bryan Tompkins goes over how to plant the pollinator garden's starts. | Image Details

It wasn’t always so genteel, having been home to steel fabrication, leather tanning, concrete block manufacturing, meat packing, and denim and flannel production. Across the river, land that once played host to a livestock auction and auto junkyard descended into a brownfield and has since been overhauled and built out into New Belgium Brewing’s east coast facility.

It was an industrial corridor, and the river suffered for it.

Woman kneeling in a cleared area covered with holes, and she's holding a tray of young plants to be planted
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The artists started arriving in the 1980s, beginning a narrative played out in urban areas across the nation. Industry starts moving out, artists start moving in – drawn by ample space and cheap rents. Artists are followed by people who hang out with artists, then come art buyers, then a hip coffee shops…before you know it, someone is building loft apartments. Even the district’s fringe, not too long ago the domain of graffiti artists and underground skateboarders has been enveloped with legitimacy as graffiti artists ply their craft by invitation, and parents teach their kids skateboarding at the DIY outdoor skate park.

Person bending over planting a small plant in a cleared area
Kim Williams of Asheville, N.C.-based firm Equinox Environmental, helps install a pollinator garden along a new greenway. | Image Details

The city of Asheville left its infrastructure mark earlier this year, with completion of an X-mile greenway along the river, complete with a walking path, biking path, even the occasional swing. This compliments the boat dock installed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission a few years back.

Group of people planting plants in a cleared area beside a road with a bridge running overhead in the distance
A work crew made up of people from various organizations comes together on a Saturday morning to install the new pollinator garden along a new greenway in Asheville, N.C. | Image Details

The rejuvenation has been felt by wildlife as well. The endangered Appalachian elktoe mussel is making a return to the French Broad River. Recent work by Indiana State University researchers have revealed the river corridor to be vitally important – for roosting, foraging, and migrating, for North Carolina’s endangered gray bats, which were only sporadic to the area just twenty years ago.

Two people stand side-by-side, each holding potted plants
Dawn Chávez (L) of Asheville Greenworks and Asheville Field Office biologist Bryan Tompkins help coordinate volunteers for the pollinator garden installation. | Image Details

However, one class of animals has not enjoyed that uptick. Recent years have seen the rusty-patched bumble bee become the first bumble bee in the lower 48 states to be placed on the federal threatened and endangered species list. The monarch butterfly warrants placement on that same list, and the American bumble bee is being considered for inclusion. All three of these species occur, or once occurred, in western North Carolina.

Bryan Tompkins of the Service’s Asheville Field Office has been a champion of pollinator conservation in the area, for leading the effort to overhaul the landscaping at his own office building, to working with solar companies to incorporate pollinator-friendly plants at their solar farms. Tompkins worked closely with local NGO Asheville Greenworks to install a pollinator garden along the city’s new greenway, just a stone’s throw from the French Broad River. Service and Greenworks staff were joined by volunteers from James Madison University, Equinox Environmental consulting, and Pine Gale Renewables on a fall Saturday morning to put 2,000 pollinator-friendly plants in the ground.

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