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Nationwide Avoidance and Minimization Measures

What is my role and responsibility?

Migratory birds are a trust resource that require care by all. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service activities and employees should utilize this website to provide technical assistance and when reviewing Service activities and actions (See Director’s Order 225). Other federal agencies should also draw from this website to provide information and when reviewing activities and actions (See Executive Order 13186). We recommend project proponents explore our library of activity-related measures to identify ways to avoid and minimize injury and killing of migratory birds. There are steps individuals can take at home, as well.

What are stressors and how do I avoid or minimize them?

One approach to identifying if your activity may affect migratory birds is to look at common stressors. Stressors are any alteration of or addition to the environment that have an adverse impact. For migratory birds, stressors include vegetation alteration, vegetation removal, ground disturbance, structures, noise, light, chemicals, and human presence. There are often practices that can be incorporated into planning and implemented during the construction, operation, and maintenance activities that avoid and minimize the injury and killing of migratory birds. Guidance and resources can be found in our library of activity-related measures. 

What data and tools are available to identify species in my area?

The Service has a number of tools available to help in decision-making processes. The Service maintains a list of federal Birds of Conservation Concern. If these species are present, we recommend starting with these species to identify and avoid or minimize stressors. The Rapid Avian Information Locator (RAIL) tool and the Service's Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) system pool multiple data sources to provide a wealth of information about the bird species within a user-defined location. 

What other resources are there for bird information?

For biological or ecological information on bird species, we recommend the following. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s eBird site provides detailed information by species. The State of the Birds is a general summary of current population trends. The North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) is a source of general bird conservation information, including Birds of Conservation Concern. 

Do I include migratory birds in NEPA documents?

Impacts to migratory birds should be identified in environmental review documents, such as National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. Agencies and projects should work cooperatively to identify and, as appropriate, require implementation of measures to avoid and minimize the incidental take of migratory birds. We recommend a list of steps to evaluate the impacts of actions on migratory birds.

Habit view communication towers at Science City, Maui, Hawaii.
Telecommunication towers are important for our cell phones, radios, televisions, and public safety. The Service considers a tower to be any uninhabited structures and equipment that are taller than 20 feet, whether that is on the ground or on a supporting structure, such as the roof of a building....
Hawk on Powerline Pahranagat NWR
In order to meet U.S. electricity demands, an estimated 7.1 million miles of above-ground distribution and transmission lines crisscross the country. Electricity delivery includes power generation at a power plant or a renewable energy source that is moved to transfer substations by transmission...
A row of wind turbines with mountains in the background.
There are more than 70,800 wind turbines throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam. In 2022, wind turbines were the source of approximately “10.3% of total U.S. utility-scale electricity generation” ( Wind...
Teeside Offshore Wind Farm
Offshore wind energy development is an emerging industry in the United States as a source of renewable energy to help lessen dependence on fossil fuels for energy production and help the nation meet goals to curb climate change.
A field of solar panels lined by trees
Solar energy is one of the fasted growing sources of new energy development in the U.S. Solar energy systems convert radiant light and heat from the sun into electric energy. Photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies are most commonly used to build large-scale, commercial...
A construction crew stands atop a newly-installed culvert
Transportation agencies and entities in the United States manage and maintain more than 4.1 million miles of public roadways, more than 109,000 miles of railways, and more than 617,000 bridges. When conducted during the breeding season, the construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation...
Birds surround two herring fishing boats
Fishers use a variety of techniques and gear to pursue target fish and shellfish. “Commercial fishing” is defined in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act as “fishing in which the fish harvested, either in whole or in part, are intended to enter commerce or enter commerce...
Two large signs with information about California condors
Oil and gas exploration and extraction use and generate substantial volumes of water. The generated water, known as produced water, is the largest byproduct of the oil and gas industry. Produced water contains a mix of oil and other hydrocarbons, drilling muds and fluids, salts, heavy metals,...