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McGinty Mountain standing at 2,183 feet is a beautiful and wild part of the refuge that has unique species specially adapted to higher elevations and red-colored gabbro soils. There you can find Parry's tetracoccus, dehesa bear grass, mountain woolly blue curls, and endangered San Diego thornmint.
Access to this trail system was established within a series of trail easements. These easements and other properties connecting to the refuge are both private and public lands, so take care not to trespass.
Mileage from parking lot to the peak: approximately 2.5 miles, with about 2,200 feet of elevation gain (this is a very challenging hike not recommended for beginners). This makes the round trip 5 miles total.
Please stay on the widest trail traveled. In the future, there will be trail work and signage improvements in the area, as the refuge finalizes its trail plan.