Wolf Creek NFH Releases Endangered Barrens Topminnow

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Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery's Biological Science Technician Makenzie Foster traveled to several sites in south central Tennessee to release and survey populations of the endan

gered Barrens topminnow (Fundulus julisia).

Foster along with partners from Conservation Fisheries, Inc., Tennessee Aquarium, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, and USFWS Cookeville Ecological Services Office successfully released 107 Merkle population and 94 Type locality population Barrens topminnows into their historic range. These fish had previously been transferred from CFI to Wolf Creek NFH when drought conditions put the populations at risk and intervention was necessary. With recent rainfall and change in conditions, it was finally time to return these populations back to their habitat, just in time for spawning season. 

Staff and partners conducted surveys using seine nets to capture wild topminnows for measurements and population assessments. Results found several adults and juveniles at the surveyed site; each fish was measured and returned to the stream. On the cusp of spawning season, males were displaying their vivid blue markings while many females were gravid (with eggs).

The Barrens topminnow remains one of the rarest fish in the world and requires great conservation effort to assist in the recovery of the species.

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Endangered and/or Threatened species