If you are part of the trout fishing world, you have probably heard people talk about different Rainbow trout strains. A strain, in basic terms, is a subtype of the species. There are many different strains of rainbow trout, but all rainbow trout strains still belong to the same species. However, they each have slight differences in genetics that can affect the way they look, handle diseases, their aggressiveness to feed, etc. The Fish Lake strain is a strain that we have had on station in the past but haven’t had in several years. On February 27, we received 177,000 Fish Lake Rainbow trout eggs from Erwin National Fish Hatchery. The eggs were disinfected upon arrival and placed into hatching jars, their home until they hatch. The hatchery will receive several more shipments of eggs throughout the year. This year’s eggs will become stocking sized trout about two years from now. After that, we hope you find them at the end your line out in the river!
Fish Lake Rainbow Trout Eggs