Impacts of Border 2 Fire Ends 2024-2025 Hunt Season Early at San Diego NWR
Hunting on the Refuge has CLOSED as of January 25, 2025 due to the Border 2 Fire

As allowed by 50 CFR 32.1., hunting at San Diego National Wildlife Refuge has CLOSED due to impacts from the Border 2 Fire in the southern Otay hunt unit. The closure will be in effect for the rest of the 2024-2025 season.

For hunting related questions 
Please contact Refuge Manager Dwane Binns: 619-385-1190.

To Report a Poacher or Polluter
If you witness a poaching or polluting incident or any fish and wildlife violation, or have information about such a violation, immediately dial the toll free CalTIP number 1-888-334-CALTIP (888 334-2258), 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

For any emergencies call 911

La caza en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre de San Diego está CERRADO para la temporada de 2024-2025 debido a el incendio Border 2 como es permitido bajo 50 CFR 32.1..

Para preguntas acerca de la cacería
Contacte el  Administrador del Refugio Dwane Binns: 619-385-1190.

Para denunciar a un cazador furtivo o contaminador
Si es testigo de un incidente de caza furtiva o de contaminación o de cualquier violación de pesca y vida silvestre, o si tiene información sobre tal violación, llame de inmediato al número gratuito de CalTIP 1 888 334-CALTIP (888 334-2258), las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana. 

Para cualquier emergencia llama 911

Map of San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Hunting Area by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The map shows areas that allow or don’t allow hunting on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, City/County, and Private land. Game type, species, CDFW Dates for 2022-2023 season, refuge dates, and daily bag limit/possession limit is described on the spreadsheet below the map. For assistance call the refuge manager at 619-385-1190.
Reference map for the San Diego NWR hunt area.  | Image Details

Final Hunt Plan 

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