Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Celebrates Earth Day 2023

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children getting temporary tattoos at the earth day event
Children enjoying getting nature-inspired temporary tattoos at an Earth Day event. | Image Details

To celebrate Earth Day, Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery and Friends of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, Inc. hosted an Earth Day event on Saturday, April 22. The public event was held to connect people with nature and create an awareness of personal responsibility to protect our planet! A day of sunshine and fresh spring air created the perfect setting!

Family and friends joined to explore the day’s activities, with over 500 people participating in the event. Visitors could explore various stations, all with an environmental message. Some stations provided information about animals, plants, and water quality. Other stations provided crafts, temporary tattoos, archery, thread making from animal fur, and giveaways. Free pecan and white oak trees were given away by the Friends of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, Inc.

Many partners came together to make this event a success, including: Three Springs Fiber Farm, Russell County Public Library, Kentucky Wild, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, Kentucky Division of Water, Kentucky Division of Waste Management, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and Liberty Nature Center. Volunteers worked before, during and after the event helping in different aspects to make the event enjoyable and successful. We appreciate all our partners and volunteers. Without these partnerships, devoted volunteers, and the Friends of Wolf Creek NFH, these events simply would not be possible.

Earth Day marks the anniversary of the movement in 1970 to raise environmental awareness. It’s a time when people pitch in to pick up litter, plant trees and pollinator gardens. We concentrate on what we can to reduce the harm we are doing to the world around us. We hope those attending our event enjoyed a day immersed in learning and appreciation of our planet Earth.

Children making earth day crafts
Children enjoy making crafts to celebrate Earth Day. | Image Details
people looking at macroinvertebrates through a magnifier
Learning about macroinvertebrates and water quality at an Earth Day event. | Image Details

Story Tags

Connecting people with nature
Environmental education
Water conservation