Dr. James (Jim) Dubovsky Receives Prestigious International Canvasback Award
Tom Cooper awarding Dr. Jim Dubosky International Canvasback Award Trophy
Tom Cooper awarding Dr. Jim Dubovsky International Canvasback Award Trophy | Image Details

North American Waterfowl Management Plan Award (NAWMP) officials recently presented the prestigious International Canvasback Award to Dr. James (Jim) Dubovsky, former Central Flyway Representative in the Division of Migratory Bird Management of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The International Canvasback Award is given each year to an exceptional individual, corporation, or organization that has made substantial contributions over a period of at least 10 years to NAWMP’s implementation and success. This award has been presented to Dr. Dubovsky in recognition of his substantial long-term contributions to the implementation and continuation of waterfowl conservation activities on the international scale.

After dedicating over 29 years to the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats, Dr. Dubovsky retired from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2021. He began his career as a staff biologist in the Office (now Division) of Migratory Bird Management. Throughout his tenure, he participated in numerous activities and assignments such as the Annual Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey and banding programs in the U.S. and Canada. He provided analytical support for investigations related to harvest management, and his modeling work on the status and dynamics of waterfowl populations helped managers make better decisions when establishing annual hunting regulations. Additionally, he played a crucial role in the development of important harvest strategies for individual species such as the canvasback, blue-winged teal, northern pintail, mallard, redhead, and scaup. His contributions were instrumental in the Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) program's infancy, which has since become widely accepted in the harvest management community. As an original member, Jim also served the longest in the Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group.

Throughout his career, he held various positions including Assistant Migratory Game Bird Coordinator and Regional Chief of the Migratory Bird Program in the Service's Intermountain West Region, where he oversaw research, monitoring, and management programs for migratory birds and their habitats. In 2011, he became the Central Flyway Representative, maintaining a successful partnership between the Service and Central Flyway Council. He also served in various NAWMP committees and teams, authoring over 40 publications, including peer-reviewed articles, management plans, technical, and policy documents. His experience in the field and analytical skills contributed to a better understanding of waterfowl and their habitat requirements. Dr. Dubovsky’s passion for the natural world, dedication to conservation, and skillful communication with policymakers has left a significant impact on waterfowl management and their habitats.

For more information on NAWMP visit https://nawmp.org/

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Migratory birds
Scientific personnel (USFWS)
Work of the Service