2023 Kentucky Junior Duck Stamp Contest

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The 2023 Kentucky Junior Duck Stamp Contest was held at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery on Wednesday, March 29. Over 1,000 pieces of art were submitted from students across the commonwealth in grades K-12. Students that submitted art were also invited to submit a conservation message. Once judging was completed, there were several honorable mentions, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place winners in each age category.

artwork on tables ready to be judged
There were over 1,000 entries in the 2023 Kentucky Junior Duck Stamp Contest. | Image Details

Five judges had the task of choosing the winners, and it was not easy! The contest judges were:

Tanner Rich- Park Ranger U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Cody Stephens- Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Public Lands Biologist

Davene DeVore- Russell County High School Art Teacher

Dr. Brian Priddle- Ducks Unlimited

Randy Marcum- Russell County Judge Executive

five judges of art
These five judges had the difficult task of choosing Best of Show 2023 Kentucky Junior Duck Stamp from over 1,000 pieces of art. | Image Details

Congratulations to Gianna Roth for winning Best of Show with her colored pencil drawing of a Pintail! The first place conservation message was submitted by Makenzie Nance, “If we don't protect it we could lose it.”

photo of a duck in flight
2023 Kentucky Junior Duck Stamp Best of Show art by Gianna Roth | Image Details

The Kentucky Junior Duck Stamp Contest is a great way to get kids involved in the outdoors.  The contest curriculum teaches students about wetlands, migration, conservation, waterfowl, and land stewardship. This program has been used in not just art and science classes, but writing, history, gifted, and special needs classes as well. The Kentucky Junior Duck Stamp program is a collaborative effort by Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge, Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, Kentucky Ecological Service Office and OLE-Wildlife Inspectors.  

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Environmental education