Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Hosts 13th Annual Catch a Smile Senior Fishing Derby
Senior couple smiling with a stringer full of Rainbow trout
Participants of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery's Catch A Smile Senior Fishing Derby smiling with their catch. | Image Details

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery hosted the 13th Annual Catch A Smile Senior Fishing Derby. Anyone 62 or older was eligible for this free fishing event that included a lunch, door prizes, and hours of fishing, relaxing, and socializing. Despite the cooler weather, 175 people participated, with most reeling in a nice catch!

Anglers bank fishing trout stream
Participants of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery's 2022 Catch A Smile Senior Fishing Derby trying their luck at Hatchery Creek. | Image Details

Special thanks go out to the Friends of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, Inc. for providing lunch, door prizes and to countless other sponsors/volunteers who donated money and time to ensure the event was a success!

Seniors relaxing at picnic tables.
Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery's 2022 Catch A Smile Senior Fishing Derby participants enjoying lunch after a morning of fishing at Hatchery Creek. | Image Details
Volunteers grilling food for hatchery event.
Sponsors and Volunteers from Tyson foods grilling lunch for the participants of the 2022 Catch A Smile Senior Fishing Derby at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery. | Image Details

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Fish hatcheries
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