Erwin National Fish Hatchery brings fishing to Nursing Home residents

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It’s no wonder fishing is one of America’s favorite pastimes, being outdoors alone is fulfilling, but with the promise of catching a fish it becomes exciting! Staff at Erwin National Fish Hatchery wanted to extend this excitement to those who are normally unable to participate in what the great outdoors has to offer. The best way to accomplish this goal was to take the fish to them, so staff at Erwin set up a fishing event at a local assisted living facility, Lake Bridge, A Waters Community in Johnson City!

A USFWS employee standing on a truck handing a net full of fish to another USFWS employee on the ground
Erwin National Fish Hatchery Project Leader, Tyler Hern, and Biological Science Technician, Matthew Padgett, netting fish from the distribution truck for the Lake Bridge, A Waters Community Fishing Derby. | Image Details

Fifty Rainbow trout were transported to the facility, divided amongst three separate holding tanks, and residents were provided with equipped cane poles. With the assistance of Lake Bridge and Erwin NFH staff, fish were reeled in to the delight of many residents! For some of the participants, this was a nostalgic, while for others it was a chance to experience something new. Several were lucky (and patient) enough to catch more than one. It’s safe to say these anglers were “hooked” on trout!

USFWS employee and woman in wheelchair holding a Rainbow trout and fishing pole
Biological Science Technician. Matthew Padgett, at Erwin National Fish Hatchery holding a Rainbow trout caught by a Lake Bridge, A Waters Community resident at the Lake Bridge Fishing Derby. | Image Details

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Fish hatcheries

Recreational Activities