Erwin National Fish Hatchery completes record-breaking spawning season

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Erwin National Fish Hatchery staff had a big year in the National Broodstock Program. Beginning in late July, the spawning season kicked off with the summer-spawners: EED (Erwin x Arlee) strain Rainbow trout. The Arlee (ARD) Rainbow trout and Sandwich strain Brook trout continued as planned, spawning from October to December. Finally, in January, Erwin NFH’s final Rainbow trout strain, FLD (Fish Lake Domestic) began to spawn, and lasted until late March.  

A white scoop pictured submerged in orange fish eggs held in a pail
Thousands of live Rainbow trout eggs fresh out of the egg picking machine waiting to be processed for shipping. | Image Details

After compiling the data from another successful season, staff at Erwin NFH determined they had shipped the most eggs in the facility’s 125-year history to 30 different facilities in 18 states! This season’s egg shipment total came to just over 17 million eggs (17,083,944)! Considering the hatchery has been producing trout and trout eggs since 1897, it is no small feat to break all previous station spawning records. This huge number of trout eggs go to support recreational fishing around the country. During the break in spawning, staff will now shift their focus to much-needed maintenance projects, endangered species work, and preparing to make the 2022 spawning season just as successful!

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Fish hatcheries
Fisheries management