North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Mexico Grants

In 1989, the U.S. Congress passed into law the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) with the intention of protecting, restoring, and managing wetland ecosystems and other habitats critical to maintaining healthy populations of migratory birds throughout North America. In 2002, Congress expanded the scope of the Act to include other species associated with wetlands habitats. For every USD$1 received in NAWCA grant funds, applicants should be able to match in cash, at a minimum, with USD$1 in partner funds from those involved in the project.


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Two green, red, brown, black & white male wood ducks glide across a reflective water
North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Section 10. REPORT TO CONGRESS: The Secretary shall report to the appropriate Committees on the implementation of this Act. The report shall include: (1) a biennial assessment of: (A) the estimated number of acres of wetlands and habitat for waterfowl and...