3-200-72: Eagle Nest Take (General Permit)

NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pursuant to Executive Order “Temporary Withdrawal of All Areas on the Outer Continental Shelf from Offshore Wind Leasing and Review of the Federal Government’s Leasing and Permitting Practices for Wind Projects” is temporarily ceasing issuance of eagle permits to wind facilities until further notice.

In the interim, ePermits will no longer automatically issue general permits. Applicants may still complete a general permit application. General permit applicants other than wind energy generation applicants should email migratorybirdpermits@fws.gov with the subject GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION so we can process your general permit. 

3-200-72: Eagle Nest Take (General Permit)

Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, 50 CFR 22.300

What is this Permit For?

This General Permit authorizes take of a bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest including relocation, removal, and otherwise temporarily or permanently preventing eagles from using the nest structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.

Learn more about structure
for breeding, when there is no practicable alternative that would protect the interest to be served. A General Permit is not available for take of a golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) nest.

(1) General permits are available for bald eagle nest take for emergency, nest take for health and safety, or nest take for a human-engineered structure, or, if located in Alaska, other purposes.

(2) General permits are not available for bald eagle nests if removal may result in the complete loss of a territory.

(3) General permits are not available if the nest is located in Indian country (18 U.S.C. 1151), unless the Tribe is the applicant.

PLEASE READ: Application FAQs and Instructions

Permit Details: 

Application Fee (non-refundable):    

General Permit (Maximum of 1 year): $100

Duration:  Up to 1 year

Application review time:  Available to print as soon as application and payment are complete.

Application:  Form 3-200-72

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Instructions: Application Form Instructions

Annual Report Form:  Form 3–202–16

Regulations:  50 CFR 22.300

Common Questions


Under what circumstances may an eagle nest be removed under this permit?

This permit may be used to authorize the removal of a bald eagle or golden eagle nest. General permits are limited to bald eagle nest take for the purposes of emergencies, protection of health and safety, and protection of human-engineered structures. Standard conditions for general nest take permits are available for viewing on the Service’s website.  In Alaska only, bald eagle nests may also be taken for other purposes. A specific permit is required for golden eagle nest removal.

If an emergency necessitates the removal of nest with eggs or nestlings, what should I do?

General permits are available for the emergency take of bald eagle nests.  Permits for emergency nest take may authorize the take of eggs or nestlings if they are present. If a nest must be taken while there are live eagle nestlings in the nest, you must make every practical effort to implement permit conditions to ensure a humane outcome for the nestlings. You must make every effort to contact your regional Migratory Bird Permit Office with your plan that is practicable and humane for nestlings. Permit conditions further specify requirements for relocation, foster nests, rehabilitation, or disposition of the nestlings.

Will avoidance and minimization measures will be required?

Regulations and permit conditions specify required avoidance and minimization measures. Permit conditions may include requirements to adjust the timing of your activity, place an obstruction in the nest or nest substrate, minimize or deter renesting attempts, relocate the nest, and/or monitor the nest.

Is there a reporting requirement?

All permittees must submit an annual report using Service Form 3-202-16. The report must include any nest take, including any subsequent nesting attempts that were removed. If an eagle nest was relocated, the date and location of the relocation must be reported. Your annual report is due September 30. An annual report is required, even if no nests were removed.

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