Community engagement and collaboration, Habitat restoration, Population enhancement

The French Broad River Partnership was formed  in the fall of 2018 to maintain and improve stream health within the French Broad River Watershed for environmental and economic benefits.


That broad‐based interests work collaboratively to ensure the French Broad River Watershed serves as a source of drinking water and recreation while supporting biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, forestry, and economic growth.

Guiding Principles:

Sustainable economic development and the pursuit of improved water quality are mutually beneficial goals. The partnership works collaboratively, engaging the skills and resources of diverse stakeholders to achieve a greater positive impact.   It operates with integrity and transparency to define challenges to watershed health and resolve them through innovation and stakeholder commitment, resulting in a lasting impact on the river. It engages communities because knowledge empowers all to consider the health of the river in daily and long‐term decisions. 

For more information, visit:


Rolling, forest-covered mountains beneath a partly cloudy sky
Serving western North Carolina and southern Appalachia by conserving our most imperiled species and working with federal agencies to conserve plants, fish, and wildlife.


Male biologist wearing a dry suits standing in a river tying an anchored rope to a post holding a net
Fish and wildlife biologist
Ecological Services
Threatened and endangered species classification,
Threatened and endangered species recovery,
Southeastern stream habitats
Male biologist standing before students, hand raised in the air
Deputy Field Office Supervisor and public affairs specialist
Ecological Services
Threatened and endangered species recovery,
Threatened and endangered species classification,
Federal project environmental compliance