Jason Mays

Male biologist wearing a dry suits standing in a river tying an anchored rope to a post holding a net
Fish and wildlife biologist

160 Zillicoa St.
Asheville, NC 28801
United States

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About Jason Mays

With an expertise in aquatic species and extensive knowledge and experience in waters across North Carolina, Jay’s primary responsibilities include fulfilling legal obligations under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act, including:

  • Compiling and analyzing data used for decisions on which aquatic animals receive Endangered Species Act protection.
  • Developing and implementing recovery plans for threatened and endangered aquatic animals.  
  • Reviewing the status of aquatic animals protected by the Endangered Species Act to determine if such protections remain warranted.

Additionally, he provides technical expertise on 1) habitat restoration efforts with private landowners under the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act; and 2) requisite review of federal projects under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Prior to his work with the Service, Jay worked for the N.C. Department of Transportation.

Areas of expertise
Threatened and endangered species classification
Threatened and endangered species recovery
Southeastern stream habitats

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