Exit Clearance for Non-Fish and Wildlife Service Employees

223 FW 14
FWM Number
Originating Office
Division of Human Capital

14.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? This chapter provides guidance and procedures for employees, supervisors, and other personnel to successfully complete the Service's Exit Clearance Process ("process") for Non-Fish and Wildlife Service Employees who have access to controlled Service facilities and systems. The process for Fish and Wildlife Service employees is in 223 FW 13.

14.2 What are the objectives of this policy? Our objectives are to:

A. Establish standard exit clearance procedures that non-Service employees, supervisors, and managers follow when non-Service employees separate from the Service, transfer, or begin an extended leave as Table 14-2 defines;

B. Ensure that non-Service employees who separate from the Service, transfer, or begin an extended leave do not retain improper electronic and physical access to Service information and property; and

C. Ensure that non-Service employees who are moving to another duty station within the Service:

(1) Retain access to the information systems, property, and facilities they need;

(2) Return property to the facility they are leaving; and

(3) Do not retain access to information systems or facilities that are not related to their position at the new duty station.

14.3 What is the policy?

A. Our policy is that when a non-Service employee separates from the Service, transfers, or begins an extended leave, the non-Service employee, his/her/their supervisor, and accountable groups (i.e., Divisions and Offices within the Service) work together to ensure successful completion of the following three steps:

(1) Begin the exit clearance process,

(2) Complete the exit clearance requirements in FWS Form 3-2370 (e.g., collect credentials and badges, terminate access to information systems), and

(3) Verify FWS Form 3-2370 is complete and file required documentation.

B. The Service supervisor/Contracting Officer Representative (COR) is responsible for ensuring the successful completion of the exit clearance process for non-Service employees.

(1) If the non-Service employee is a contractor, his/her/their supervisor is the COR specified in the relevant contract.

(2) If the non-Service employee is a volunteer, his/her/their supervisor is the Field Office Manager sponsoring the applicable Volunteer Services Agreement.

(3) For all other types of non-Service employees (e.g., visiting scientists, detailees – see Table 14-1), the responsibility falls to the person's immediate Service supervisor.

C. The process begins when a non-Service employee or his/her/their supervisor/COR starts FWS Form 3-2370 to separate, transfer to another facility within the Service, or change to an extended leave status. The process ends when the supervisor/COR certifies that the non-Service employee and all accountable groups have met the exit clearance requirements.

D. The non-Service employee, his/her/their parent organization, and the supervisor/COR complete the process in the 10 business days between the employee's notification of intent to separate and the separation date. The following illustrates the process and highlights some key milestones in each phase.

· Day 1: Begin the process: Non-employee begins FWS Form 3-2370.

· Day 2 – 9: Complete the exit clearance requirements: Non-Service employee and supervisor meet to discuss exit clearance requirements (no later than Day 5). Accountable groups complete and certify exit clearance requirements.

· Day 10: Verify completion of FWS Form 3-2370 and the required documentation: Separation date. Supervisor or COR files completed FWS Form 3-2370.

E. If a non-Service employee abruptly departs, the supervisor/COR must complete the tasks normally assigned to the non-Service employee immediately. The supervisor/COR also must obtain certifications from Authorized Approving Officials as necessary to document completion of the process. This may be necessary in the following situations:

(1) Death,

(2) Illness,

(3) Personal emergency,

(4) Termination, and

(5) Abrupt change of personnel on contract or cancellation of contract.

14.4 What is the scope of this policy?

A. The policy applies only to non-Service employees who:

(1) Separate from the Service, transfer, or begin an extended leave; and

(2) Have access to controlled Service facilities and systems.

B. Separating Service employees should refer to 223 FW 13 for guidance and procedures for exit clearance.

C. Table 14-1 shows the division of our two exit clearance chapters (223 FW 13 and 223 FW 14) and gives examples of the two types of personnel who have access to and work in Service facilities. Ask your servicing Human Resources office if you are not sure which chapter applies to you.

Table 14-1: Scope of Exit Clearance Chapters

Personnel Type


Service Employees (223 FW 13 applies)


Temporary Employees

Non-Service Employees

(223 FW 14 applies)

Note: This process only applies to those non-Service employees with access to controlled Service facilities and systems.


Volunteers (including members of Friends groups)

Tribal Members

Visiting Scientists

Foreign Government Visitors

Employees and Contractors from Other Federal Agencies

Presidential Transition Staff


Cooperating Associations

D. Table 14-2 shows the actions that require exit clearance.

Table 14-2: Actions that Require Exit Clearance

Separation Type



Resignation from vendor company or parent organization

Change of personnel on contract


Cancellation of contract

End of project

End of volunteer service


Transfer to another Bureau within the Department

Transfer to another Region within the Service

Transfer between duty stations within a Region

Extended Leave

Leave of absence (>90 days)

14.5 Who is responsible for performing this process? Several groups share responsibility for completing the exit clearance process for non-Service employees. An Authorized Approving Official from each accountable group certifies completion of the exit clearance requirements by initialing specific sections on FWS Form 3-2370. For a list of the designated Authorized Approving Officials, see section 14.7C. The following people must work together to complete the process:

A. Non-Service employees or their parent organization:

(1) Notify the supervisor/COR of the intent to separate at least 10 business days before the effective separation date,

(2) Comply with the Service's exit clearance policy and procedures, and

(3) Complete FWS Form 3-2370 and send the completed form to the non-Service employee's immediate Service supervisor/COR.

B. Supervisors/CORs:

(1) Initiate the separation process, when necessary,

(2) Comply with the exit clearance policy and procedures, and

(3) Work with the non-Service employee and his/her/their management to hold non-Service employees accountable for employee responsibilities. (The supervisor/COR is ultimately responsible for ensuring the successful completion of the process.)

C. Division Chiefs, Deputies, Human Resources/Human Capital Officers, and Budget and Finance Officers:

(1) Comply with the exit clearance policy and procedures, and

(2) Hold supervisors/CORs and non-Service employees accountable for responsibilities.

14.6 What are the authorities for this policy?

A. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, Management Responsibility for Internal Controls.

B. 375 DM 19, Information Technology Security Program.

C. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (48 CFR).

14.7 What is FWS Form 3-2370?

A. FWS Form 3-2370 is the standard form that non-Service employees and their supervisors/CORs use to document completion of the exit clearance process. Authorized Approving Officials sign the form to indicate that non-Service employees have complied with exit clearance requirements. If non-Service employees do not comply with the process and complete FWS Form 3-2370, they or the vendor or organization they represent may be subject to action by the Service.

B. Table 14-3 summarizes the four sections on FWS Form 3-2370.

Table 14-3: Summary of FWS Form 3-2370



Section 1: Identifying Information

This section requires the employee to provide identifying information.

Section 2: Exit Clearance Requirements for Non-Service Employees

This section is the official record of completion of separation tasks. The supervisor/COR and Authorized Approving Officials must:

·  Certify completion of each exit clearance requirement applicable to the non-Service employee, given his/her/their separation type

·  Record the date each requirement was satisfied

·  Identify which exit clearance requirements are "Not Applicable"

Section 3: Non-Service Employee Access to Service Information Systems

This section is the official record of changes the Information Resources and Technology Management (IRTM) staff makes to the non-Service employee's access to Service information systems. The section includes:

·  A list of information systems to which the non-Service employee has access, as indicated by the supervisor/COR

·  IRTM Authorized Approving Official's certification of termination or transfer of non-Service employee's access to systems, as appropriate

Section 4: Certification of Completed Exit Clearance Form

In this section, the non-Service employee, supervisor/COR, and Authorized Approving Officials certify successful completion of the exit clearance requirements in Sections 2 and 3.

C. Capturing formal certification that non-Service employees have satisfied exit clearance requirements is a key element of the process. Table 14-4 lists the Authorized Approving Officials who may verify completion of separation tasks for their accountable group (i.e., each official/backup listed below is the only person who may sign on behalf of his/her/their respective group). Click on the links within the table to view detailed information about an accountable group's exit clearance responsibilities.

Table 14-4: Authorized Approving Officials

Accountable Group


Regional Office

Field Station

Information Technology

Information Resources and Technology Management Chief, Deputy or Regional IT Security Manager

Regional Information Resources and Technology Management Chief, Deputy or Regional IT Security Manager

Regional Information Resources and Technology Management Chief, Deputy or Regional IT Security Manager

Contracting and General Services

Division of Contracting and Facilities Management Chief or Deputy

Division of Contracting and General Services Chief or Deputy

Accountable Officer

Budget and Finance

Division of Financial Management Chief or Deputy

Budget and Finance Officer or Deputy

Regional Budget and Finance Officer or Deputy

Human Resources

Division of Human Capital Chief or Deputy

Human Resources/Human Capital Officer or Deputy

Regional Human Resources/Human Capital Officer or Deputy

14.8 What must non-Service employees do when they separate from the Service, transfer, or begin an extended leave?

A.  Step 1 - Begin the exit clearance process. The separating non-Service employee or his/her/their parent organization point of contact must:

(1) As soon as he/she/they is aware of a pending separation, inform his/her/their supervisor/COR of the intent to separate.

(2) Start FWS Form 3-2370 no later than 10 business days before the anticipated separation date.

(3) Request a meeting with his/her/their supervisor/COR to review FWS Form 3-2370 and identify applicable exit clearance requirements. This meeting must be held no later than 5 business days before the anticipated separation date to ensure there is time to complete the applicable separation tasks.

B. Step 2 - Complete the exit clearance requirements in FWS Form 3-2370. The separating non-Service employee must:

(1) Print and review FWS Form 3-2370 before meeting with his/her/their supervisor/COR to discuss applicable exit clearance requirements, and

(2) Obtain signatures from the authorized officials who are accountable for exit clearance requirements.

C. Step 3 - Verify FWS Form 3-2370 is complete and file required documentation. The separating non-Service employee must:

(1) Certify FWS Form 3-2370 and give the completed form to his/her/their supervisor/COR, and

(2) Keep a copy of the completed form.

D. Non-Service employees should contact their supervisors/CORs with any questions or issues related to this process.

14.9 What are the supervisor's/COR's responsibilities when a non-Service employee separates from the Service, transfers, or goes on extended leave?

A. Step 1 - Begin the exit clearance process. The supervisor/COR must:

(1) After the non-Service employee provides notice of the separation/transfer/extended leave, have a meeting with the employee to review the exit clearance process and FWS Form 3-2370. The non-Service employee or his/her/their parent organization point of contact should schedule this meeting, but if they do not, the supervisor/COR must request a meeting.

(2) Identify the Service-owned property and systems to which the non-Service employee has access. This information is required to ensure the successful completion of FWS Form 3-2370, Sections 2 and 3. Send Section 3 of FWS Form 3-2370 immediately to the servicing IRTM representative.

(3) When appropriate, the supervisor/COR should take responsibility for contacting all individuals and groups necessary to complete the exit clearance requirements on behalf of a non-Service employee.

B. Step 2 - Complete the exit clearance requirements in FWS Form 3-2370. After meeting with the non-Service employee, the supervisor/COR must:

(1) Complete all exit clearance tasks for which he/she/they is responsible, and

(2) Record the completion of tasks on FWS Form 3-2370.

C. Step 3 - Verify FWS Form 3-2370 is complete and file required documentation. After the non-Service employee obtains certification for all required exit clearance tasks, the supervisor/COR must:

(1) Certify the completed FWS Form 3-2370. If the non-Service employee fails to successfully complete the form, the supervisor/COR must ensure completion of any outstanding tasks and explain incomplete items.

(2) Give the non-Service employee a copy of the completed FWS Form 3-2370.

(3) File the original FWS Form 3-2370 and any supporting exit clearance documentation with the contract file, Volunteer Service Agreement, or other agreement, as applicable. The supervisor/COR must retain the form and supporting documentation for at least 5 years after the date of separation (see 283 FW 2, Records Disposition Schedule, Appendix 1: PERS-520).

D. Supervisors/CORs should contact their servicing Human Resources office with any questions or issues related to this process.

14.10 What responsibilities do Authorized Approving Officials in IRTM, Contracting and General Services, Budget and Finance, and Human Resources/Human Capital have when a non-Service employee separates from the Service, transfers, or goes on extended leave?

A. Step 1 - Complete the exit clearance requirements in FWS Form 3-2370. After receiving notification of the non-Service employee's pending separation, the Authorized Approving Official must:

(1) Complete all exit clearance tasks for which he/she/they is responsible, and

(2) Record the completion of tasks on FWS Form 3-2370.

B. Step 2 - Verify FWS Form 3-2370 is complete and file required documentation. Following the completion of all required exit clearance tasks, the Authorized Approving Official must certify FWS Form 3-2370.

14.11 Who should you contact with questions or issues related to this process? Non-Service employees separating from the Service, transferring, or beginning an extended leave should contact their supervisors/CORs with any questions about this process. Supervisors/CORs and other Authorized Approving Officials should contact their servicing Human Resources office with any questions about this process.