Control and Issuance of Identification Cards

210 FW 1
FWM Number
210 FW 1, FWM 364, 02/08/01
Originating Office
Division of Human Capital

1.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? This chapter provides policy and procedures for issuing and controlling identification cards within the Fish and Wildlife Service.

1.2 To whom does this chapter apply? This chapter applies to all Service employees as well as to contractors who require access to Department of the Interior facilities for a designated period of time.

1.3 What authorities govern the issuance of identification cards? 310 DM 3 addresses the policies and procedures regarding the use and control of identification cards.

1.4 Who is responsible for the identification card program?

A. Facilities Management Services (FMS), National Business Center, issues Department of the Interior identification cards to employees in the Washington D.C., area.

B. The Assistant Director - Budget, Planning and Human Resources is responsible for the effective administration of the policies and procedures governing identification cards throughout the Service.

C. The Chief, Division of Human Resources represents the Assistant Director in the implementation of the Service identification card program and distributes identification cards to Regional Offices and the National Conservation Training Center.

D. Regional Directors and Assistant Directors will ensure the sound administration of the identification card program within their areas of responsibility. Local field office employees designated to assign identification cards are accountable for the tracking of identification cards.

1.5 What standards and controls exist for identification cards? Identification cards require a color photograph of the employee. The issuing office will laminate the card before issuance. Designated issuing offices (Regional Offices and National Conservation Training Center) will maintain detailed records of all identification cards that they issue. Records will reflect chronological entries for each card issued and indicate the card number, date of issuance, and office location of the employee. Records will reflect the printed name and signature of the employee and, as appropriate, cancellation information (see paragraph 1.13 ).

1.6 Who is required to have an identification card? All employees of the Service must have an identification card that reflects their current duty station. Temporary building passes will be provided to temporary and contract employees who require access for designated periods of time.

1.7 How can Headquarters employees obtain an identification card?

A. Department of the Interior identification cards (DI 238A). FMS will issue identification cards for permanent Service employees in the Washington, D.C., area, upon written request from the Branch of Headquarters Human Resources (HQHR). All new and current employees needing an identification card must complete in full a DI 2005 (DOI Request for Identification Card ). You may obtain blank forms from and return completed forms to HQHR for approval and signature.

B. Temporary Building Passes (DI 238). FMS will issue cards for temporary Service employees and contractor employees in the Washington, D.C., area, upon written request from HQHR. Employees and contractors must obtain and complete DI 2005; attach a signed memorandum from the sponsoring Service office that includes the employee's/contractor's name, location of work, work being performed, time frame the identification is needed, and a signature from an office supervisor; and submit these documents to HQHR for approval and signature.

1.8 How can employees outside Headquarters obtain an identification card? The appropriate designated issuing office will issue identification cards for employees at Regional and field offices and at NCTC. Regional employees will not be issued Headquarters identification cards.

1.9 How can designated issuing offices obtain blocks of identification cards? To request blocks of identification cards, the appropriate issuing office must submit a memorandum to the Chief, Division of Human Resources, Washington, D.C.

1.10 Can issuing offices develop their own identification cards? No, only the official DOI identification cards may be issued to employees.

1.11 Will I receive an identification card when I retire? Upon retirement and in conjunction with the exit clearance process, designated issuing offices may issue you a retiree identification card, if desired. This card grants access to Department facilities for business or personal reasons. Issuing offices may request blocks of retiree cards in the same manner as stated in paragraph 1.9 .

1.12 What if I lose my Identification card? You are responsible for safeguarding your identification card, and must immediately report its loss or theft. If lost, you must prepare a written report describing the circumstances surrounding the loss, have your supervisor sign the report, and forward it to the appropriate issuing office. If the lost card is not recovered within 3 weeks, the appropriate issuing office will replace it.

1.13 If I terminate employment with the Service or transfer within the Service, what should I do with my identification card? You must surrender your identification card when you terminate employment with the Service. Designated issuing offices will ensure that separating employees at Regional and field offices and NCTC turn in their identification card for cancellation when the employee completes the appropriate exit clearance process. Issuing offices will date and mark accountability records to indicate when returned cards are canceled and destroyed. If you transfer to another location within the Service, you must surrender your identification card before you can obtain a new one. The new issuing office must ensure that you surrendered your previous identification card before issuing a new card.

1.14 Are there situations, other than termination, when a supervisor should require an employee to surrender his/her/their identification card? Supervisors will collect the identification card (as well as keys, badges, or any item that provides access to Service space or systems) of an employee who is suspended from active duty, placed on administrative leave with pay, or in any situation where the supervisor feels it is necessary to protect the safety of employees or the public or to protect Government property.