The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is Proud to Serve All People in the Great State of Washington. The Evergreen State was named the “Best State” by U.S. News to measure how states are performing on behalf of their residents. The state of Washington boasts unparalleled natural beauty, from volcanoes and rain forests to wineries and beaches. Washington State is divided in to 39 counties that reflect the wide cross section of life in America -urban, suburban, and rural. Washington is home to 29 federally recognized tribes, independent nations within ourgreat state, with the 8th largest Native American population in the U.S.People we serve. Over the pastdecade Washington’s population grew by nearly one million people to 7.75 million. We alsogrew more diverse with U.S. Census reporting Washington becoming 10 percent more diverse during this decade. DOH works continuously to reduce health disparities among vulnerable and underserved communities to achieve health equity throughout Washington.
Partner Category
Partnership Services
Through our partnerships we are able to expand our capabilities through the inclusion of services in areas such as:
- Grant opportunities
- Sponsorship of grants
- Cooperative Agreements
To find out more about how our partner provides services view our partner services below.