The Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program is a network of state agencies and coastal localities that implement state coastal protection laws. It works to protect, restore and strengthen Virginia's coastal ecosystems and economy. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality serves as its lead agency. The program is funded by NOAA's Office for Coastal Management under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act. Since 1986 this program has worked with local partners and funded scores of projects on Virginia's Eastern Shore including eelgrass, oyster, bay scallop and songbird habitat restoration; acquisition of critical coastal habitat for migratory birds; construction of ecotourism infrastructure; and development of special area management plans.
Partner Category
Partnership Services
Through our partnerships we are able to expand our capabilities through the inclusion of services in areas such as:
- Grant opportunities
- Sponsorship of grants
- Cooperative Agreements
To find out more about how our partner provides services view our partner services below.