New Mexico Department of Game and Fish

National FWS Programs They Work With

A mexican wolf with a blue radio collar lays on the ground looking behind it
Once common throughout parts of the Southwestern U.S. and Mexico, the Mexican wolf was all but eliminated from the wild by the 1970s due to conflicts with livestock. In 1976, the Mexican wolf was listed as endangered and a binational captive breeding program was initiated soon after to save this...

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A close up photo of a Mexican wolf wearing a tie-dye colored collar
The United States population of Mexican wolves has surpassed interim abundance and release targets, as well as predictions for gene diversity and population growth. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceโ€™s 5-Year Evaluation of the Mexican Wolf Recovery Strategy assesses progress on recovery objectives...
Biologists mix pups together at a Mexican wolf foster event.
A record 27 Mexican wolf pups were fostered into wild dens this spring. Now in its ninth year, fostering is helping to improve the genetic diversity of the wild population of Mexican wolves
A Mexican wolf runs near a fence at a wolf facility in New Mexico
A female wolf (F2754) has been documented crossing out of the Mexican Wolf Experimental Population Area (MWEPA) north of Interstate 40 in New Mexico. The wolf is affixed with a radio collar, which is transmitting its location. She was documented crossing the I-40 boundary west of Albuquerque late...
A Mexican wolf runs near a fence at a wolf facility in New Mexico
A female Mexican wolf was successfully translocated back into the wild in Arizona on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. Female wolf 2754 was captured in northern New Mexico in January and temporarily held at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceโ€™s (Service) Sevilleta Mexican Wolf Management Facility outside...
Two Mexican wolf pups asleep on a blanket
Partners in Mexican wolf conservation are pleased to announce the successful fostering of 16 genetically valuable Mexican wolf pups this spring. The pups traveled from four captive facilities across the country and were placed into six wild dens in eastern Arizona and western New Mexico.
A frog on the edge of a pond with a person standing out-of-focus in the background.
When people think about the southwestern United States, most picture arid deserts and mountainous areas, however southwestern states including Arizona and New Mexico also contain riparian woodlands and wetlands that many species rely on. One of those species is the Chiricahua leopard frog.
A Mexican wolf wearing a yellow collar stands with snow in the background
For the first time since reintroduction into the wild, the population of Mexican wolves in Arizona and New Mexico has surpassed 200, with a minimum of 241 wild wolves documented in 2022.
New Mexico meadow jumping mouse feeding on grass
Following a 60-day public comment period, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has finalized a recovery plan for the endangered New Mexico meadow jumping mouse, a rare rodent found primarily near streams and wetlands in parts of New Mexico, eastern Arizona, and southern Colorado. The New...
the frame is filled with bright yellow blossoms of Maximilian sunflowers
Sunflowers first grow straight and fast and wiry to seven feet tall in July and put out leaves as big as hearty pancakes, coarse to the touch. They branch out in masse to what amounts to a bush come August and that is when the first blooms show themselves. Even the most casual observer will note...
Six Mexican wolf pups are mixed together on a towel before going into a wild den
Eleven genetically valuable captive-born Mexican wolf pups have been placed into wild dens to be raised in the wild by their surrogate parents after another successful fostering season. This is the seventh year of fostering Mexican wolf pups.
Three young Mexican wolves inspect a log on the ground in the wild
The wild population of Mexican wolves in the United States continued to grow in 2021. According to the 2021 annual count, the U.S. population of Mexican wolves has increased by 5 percent since the previous year, raising the total number of wolves in the wild to a minimum of 196 animals. This marks...

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