Bat Conservation International conducts and supports science-based conservation efforts around the world. Working with many partners and colleagues, these innovative programs combine research, education and direct conservation to ensure bats will be helping to maintain healthy environments and human economies far into the future. An official understanding has been entered into between BCI and the Service that establishes a general framework for cooperation and participation between BCI and the Service in the conservation of bat species that are federally listed or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened, or are candidates for placement on the federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and to cooperate in activities necessary to maintain or increase the productivity of bats and their habitat on lands managed by the Service, and on other lands as appropriate.
National FWS Programs They Work With
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Partnership Services
Through our partnerships we are able to expand our capabilities through the inclusion of services in areas such as:
- Grant opportunities
- Sponsorship of grants
- Cooperative Agreements
To find out more about how our partner provides services view our partner services below.