The Leadership Connection

The Leadership Connection offers conservation professionals an online, self-directed, leadership developmental program, which aims to provide leadership training anywhere, anytime, to anyone. The target audience is GS 2-12 and all Wage Grade FWS employees. Its content focus is at the introductory level.

The Leadership Connection Program is based on the FWS Leadership Development Competency Model and the OPM Leadership Competency Model. The NCTC has selected 19 competencies that best align with the needs of emerging leaders as identified through the FWS Training Needs Assessment. The Leadership Connection training features content related to each of the 19 competencies. 

The Leadership Connection student chooses 10 competencies as the focus of their training.  Activities in the Leadership Connection including reading assignments, reflection papers, and quizzes provide the student the skills, knowledge, and abilities to become a better leader. Once the assignments are completed, the student writes a 10-page Capstone Paper. The paper reflects the most fundamental and powerful concepts impacting the student's personal leadership philosophy.

Course Objectives: 

  • Explore key leadership areas based on the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) competencies
  • Develop individual leadership competencies
  • Exercise leadership skills through action learning and assignments
  • Prepare for the challenges and opportunities associated with leading self and teams

A.Select 10 of the 19 competencies:

  • Accountability; OR                                           
  • Conflict Management; OR
  • Continual Learning; OR
  • Creativity and Innovation; OR
  • Customer Service; OR
  • Decisiveness; OR
  • Developing Others; OR
  • External Awareness; OR
  • Flexibility; OR
  • Influencing; OR
  • Integrity and Honesty; OR
  • Interpersonal Skills; OR
  • Leveraging Diversity; OR
  • Problem Solving; OR
  • Public Service Motivation; OR
  • Resilience; OR
  • Strategic Thinking; OR
  • Team Building; OR
  • Visioning

Suggested methods to aid in selecting "10" competencies: View the suggestions list.

B.Capstone Paper. Once all of the 10 chosen competencies have been completed, the student will complete a Capstone Paper.  Check out a SAMPLE of the Capstone Paper criteria.

The student will have 2 years to complete the program.

To register for the program, email with the subject line: "Enroll me into the Leadership Connection"

If you've already registered and you're ready to begin, simply click here.