The popular St. Marks Shutterbugs smartphone photography class that was developed to encourage mobile photography on the refuge is being offered again. Join former Friends Board member and wildlife photographer Karen Willes for the 3-hour class on Saturday, March 1, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in the Nature's Classroom in the Environmental Education Bldg. at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge. The class is free with refuge admission.
During the 3-hour class, participants will be introduced to different features of their smartphone camera while being guided with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. After the presentation, participants will go outside and capture images in Macro and Landscape or of a single subject. Then participants will return to Nature’s Classroom and learn to edit their photos in Snapseed (a free app that is available for both iOS and Android platforms).
Want to use your phone to make stunning wildlife images? Need a refresher on all the things your smartphone camera can do?
Sign up for this class by calling the Refuge Visitor Center at (850)925-6121. Class size is limited to ten, so sign up soon. If questions, contact Karen via email at
Event date and time
Event location name
Nature's Classroom in Education Building
Age range
Middle/Junior High (Grades 6-8), High School (Grades 9-12), Young adult, Adult, Senior (12 and up)