Pilot Knob National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1987 after Pilot Knob Ore Company donated the land to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. It is a refuge that is normally closed to the public, so this is a rare opportunity to see the infamous Devil's Icebox. This hike will take place on April 5th, 2025 starting at 9:30 am. Meeting location and time will be provided once registration has been completed.
This is a guided hike led by refuge staff and our geologist volunteer; so if you love rocks, history, and wildlife - this is your lucky day! This is a difficult hike with loose footing, steep hills, and takes about 2.5 hours to complete. Hiking boots, light rainproof jacket, water, and snacks are recommended to bring with you. There is a limit to how many hikers we can take so contact us here to register.