Trisha Crabill

Biologist holds rattlesnake with tongs in the field
Threatened and Endangered Species Coordinator

101 Park Deville Drive Suite A
Columbia, MO 65203
United States

About Trisha Crabill

My work focuses on conserving natural resources, which involves 1) evaluating the status of species, 2) partnering with others to coordinate and implement recovery actions for listed species, and 3) conducting environmental reviews and working with project proponents to minimize impacts to listed species while accomplishing project objectives. While I work with a variety of species, my primary interest is the conservation of amphibians and reptiles.


M.S. 2007. Biological Science. Towson University, Towson, MD.

B.S. 2002. Biology. Harding University, Searcy, AR.

Email Trisha for ESA Interagency and Intraagency Consultation if actions are associated with the following:

  • National Park Service (NPS): Ozark National Scenic Riverways
  • U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE): Wappapello and Clear Water Lake District
  • U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
  • Office of Surface Mining
  • Department of Defense (DoD)
  • USFWS: National Wildlife Refuges
  • USFWS: Office of Conservation Investment

From The Library

Standing Analysis for the Streamlined Consultation Framework for the Big Creek Crayfish, St. Francis River Crayfish, and the Species’ Critical Habitat

The Standing Analysis supports the Streamlined Consultation Framework by providing a description of actions within the framework’s scope and an evaluation of effects of the actions on the two crayfishes and their critical habitat within a 10-year period. The Standing Analysis also provides a...

Shapefiles Used to Complete the Biological Assessment Form for the Streamlined Consultation Framework for the Big Creek Crayfish, St. Francis River Crayfish, and the Species’ Critical Habitat


High Priority Crayfish Areas (HPCAs)Areas presumed invaded by the Woodland CrayfishAreas of presumed heavy metal surface contamination
KMZ Files Used to Complete the Biological Assessment Form for the Streamlined Consultation Framework for the Big Creek Crayfish, St. Francis River Crayfish, and the Species’ Critical Habitat

Files include:

High Priority Crayfish Areas (HPCAs)Areas presumed invaded by the Woodland CrayfishAreas of presumed heavy metal surface contamination
Instructions for Completing the Streamlined Biological Assessment Form for Project-Level Consultation under the Streamlined Consultation Framework for the Big Creek Crayfish, St. Francis River, Crayfish, and the Species’ Critical Habitat

Instructions to assist Federal agencies and designated non-federal representatives with completing the streamlined Biological Assessment form for project-level consultation under the Streamlined Consultation Framework for the Big Creek Crayfish, St. Francis River Crayfish, and the species’...

Biological Assessment form for the Streamlined Consultation Framework for the Big Creek Crayfish, St. Francis River Crayfish, and the Species' Critical Habitat

This form functions as a biological assessment for Federal agencies and designated non-Federal representatives for actions included in Streamlined Consultation Framework for the Big Creek Crayfish, St. Francis River Crayfish, and the species’ critical habitat.