Ken Sprankle

Headshot of Ken Sprankly
Project Leader

103 East Plumtree Road
Sunderland, MA 01375
United States

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From The Library

Connecticut River Cooperative Membership and Technical Committee

Connecticut River Migratory Fish Restoration Cooperative MembersAs of November 22, 2024

2023 Fishway Count Report
USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2023

This annual report describes work activities conducted by the Connecticut River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (CTRFWCO) to restore migratory fish species in the Connecticut River basin. This report also describes work conducted outside of the Connecticut River basin to understand the...

Connecticut River Migratory Fish Restoration Cooperative Agreement

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes the Connecticut River Migratory Fish Restoration Cooperative (CRMFRC, Cooperative) , which will serve as a non-regulatory forum for state and federal fish and wildlife agencies to coordinate interstate migratory fishery management, restoration,...

USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2022

This annual report describes work activities conducted by the Connecticut River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (CTRFWCO) to restore migratory fish species in the Connecticut River basin, as well as outside of the Connecticut River basin.