Seasons of Wildlife

The refuge is noted for its numerous numbers of wintering ducks and geese. Yazoo NWR has over 50,000 overwintering geese and 100,000 ducks by providing much needed foraging, loafing, and cover opportunities for waterfowl. Beginning in late fall and ending in early spring, Yazoo Refuge provides resting and feeding areas for such species as blue and green-winged teal, mallards, gadwalls, shovelers, Canada geese, and snow geese.

From March through May, wood ducks are common and use the more than 500 artificial nest boxes provided for nesting.

Neotropical songbirds such as painted and indigo buntings, prothonotary warblers, robins, marsh wren and Carolina chickadees are among the numerous species that can be observed during spring. Flocks of magnificent white pelicans also stop over on their spring and fall migrations. 

The all-time-favorite animal for many visitors is the American alligator. A common resident of the refuge’s many sloughs, streams, lakes, and shallow ponds, alligators can often be seen on warm spring days basking on logs or banks, or floating motionless.