
There are several ways to assist at San Pablo Bay NWR. Activities include:

  • Weed control including hand pulling, use of hand tools, and use of mechanical tools such as weed whackers 
  • Mapping of weeds and weed controlled areas 
  • Planting native plants into transition zone habitat 
  • Road and trail maintenance  
  • Clean up (garbage, interpretive panels, etc.) 
  • Native garden maintenance (Benson Center) 
  • Native plant nursery maintenance 
  • Building maintenance 
  • Docent tour guide

Prior experience is welcome but not required, and we are flexible with scheduling. Apply today on volunteer.gov using the link below.

Questions? Contact Ranger Nick at (510) 737-1252 or nicholas_asfaha@fws.gov

Volunteer Opportunities

About San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge (SPBNWR): SPBNWR comprises over 20,000 acres of North San Francisco Baylands between the Petaluma River and Napa River in Sonoma and Solano Counties, California. The refuge was established in 1974 to protect threatened and endangered species, migratory...