Facility Activities

At your local refuges, we celebrate that everyone experiences nature and the benefits of being outdoors in different ways. Staff strives to create outdoor experiences for those coming from many backgrounds, interests, and comfort levels. The following are wildlife-dependent activities that will help you explore the outdoors and experience your own personal connection to the natural world. 

Whether you are looking for a relaxing drive with friends and family, or searching for a specific species on your list, this experience will give you a taste of the Refuge from the convenience of your vehicle. This four-mile loop goes through...

Wildlife is everywhere and practicing your observation skills at a refuge may help you find equally wonderful experiences just outside your own door. Even the parking lot can be full of life! Here are a few tips that can be used anywhere...

Volunteers make it possible to offer public naturalist-led walks about a variety of topics. The following opportunities are listed by walk leader and topic.

For questions and to sign up for the following opportunities send an email to email RidgefieldVolunteer@fws.gov with the...

Come join us on-site for an accessible way to get young people to interact with nature and wildlife. Our staff can lead nature walks and help students learn more about the natural world through engaging activities and refuge projects.

The Plankhouse is closed, except for Tribal Use ONLY at...

Ridgefield’s waterfowl hunt program offers a quality duck and goose hunting experience with 21 spaced blinds on 760 acres of land. Hunters can enter a pre-season lottery system to obtain reservations for priority check-in or attend as a stand-by hunter to...