A kayak trip along the Nestucca River

Superior recreational paddling opportunities await you in the Nestucca Watershed.  The Tillamook County Water Trail system is a National Recreation Trail National Recreation Trail
A National Recreation Trail is a land-based or water-based trail that provides an outdoor recreation opportunity on federal, state, tribal or local public land. National Recreation Trails were established by the National Trails System Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-543), which authorized creation of a national trails system composed of National Recreation Trails, National Scenic Trails and National Historic Trails. Whereas National Scenic Trails and National Historic Trails may be designated only by an act of Congress, National Recreation Trails may be designated by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture to recognize exemplary trails of local and regional significance.

Learn more about National Recreation Trail
and a free guidebook provides all you need to know about paddling in the rivers around the wildlife refuge.  Download the Nestucca and Sand Lake Water Trail Guidebook for more details.  

Though the refuge does not provide a boat launch, paddlers can access the Little Nestucca River and the Nestucca River via county boat launches. The closest access is the Little Nestucca Boat Ramp located on Meda Loop Road 1/4 miles East of Hwy 101, Pacific City. 

Caution: Weather on the coast is a mercurial thing. You can expect to experience temperatures ranging between 45 and 75 degrees; fog and high winds are common, as well as radiant sunshine. Rain is a perennial threat, so bring proper attire. 

If you're visiting during the winter, expect rainy conditions. In summer, you may—may—experience nice and dry days. Check the forecast for current conditions.