Woman dressed warmly in camouflage and standing in marsh reeds aims a shotgun into the air

Located near the southern extent of Texas, in one of the most biologically diverse regions in North America, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge offers quality public hunting opportunities for a variety of species. The refuge hosts archery and firearm hunts for white-tailed deer, nilgai antelope, and feral hogs; and hook/line/firearm hunts for alligators. During all hunts, except alligator hunts, incidental take is allowed of feral hogs and nilgai antelope, both of which are well established on the refuge, as well as any other exotic ungulates present. There are no assigned hunting blinds; and a few, select units are open to youth hunting only. Designated roads are open to vehicles, but most interior roads are restricted to foot and bicycle access, which provides a true backcountry hunting experience. All hunt permits are through selection only through https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/public_hunt_drawing/