Laws and Regulations

  • The refuge is open one-hour before sunrise to one-hour after sunset daily.
  • Visitors must stay on designated roads and trails.
  • Pets must be under control and on leashes at all times.
  • Camping, campfires, charcoal or wood-based fires, glass containers, and fireworks are prohibited.
  • Bicycles are permitted on designated roads only.
  • Off-highway vehicles are prohibited.
  • 24-hour access is permitted only for individuals actively fishing along the East Bay shoreline, parking areas on Frozen Point Road, and at the East Bay boat ramp.
  • Any activity, other than those listed, or any commercial activity is prohibited unless approved by the refuge through a Special Use Permit.
  • Collection of plants or animals, disturbing or feeding wildlife, playing recordings to attract wildlife, and drone use is prohibited.
  • Fishing and crabbing are permitted in accordance with state regulations and subject to several conditions. Please contact refuge headquarters for a fishing information sheet.
  • Hunting is permitted in certain areas of the refuge for designated species during designated dates. Hunters should contact refuge headquarters for a hunting brochure.