Facility Rules and Policies
The refuge is open from sunrise to sunset. Fishing is authorized 24 hours a day.
- Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms will comply with all provisions of state and local law.
- Collecting or disturbing or killing wildlife, plants, minerals or artifacts are prohibited.
- Camping, overnight sleeping in vehicles, swimming, wading, and open fires are prohibited.
- Intoxicated or disorderly individuals are subject to arrest and removal.
- All-terrain vehicles or utility vehicles (ATVs or UTVs) are prohibited.
- Littering is prohibited. Please put all trash in approved trash receptacles.
- You may not place anything in the refuge for the purpose of attracting or concentrating wildlife species.
- Geocaching is not permitted.
Fishing and Boating
We allow sport fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
- All federal, state, and refuge regulations for fishing and boating apply.
- Sport fishing is allowed 24 hours a day. All other activity is prohibited after sunset.
- Appropriate anchor and navigational lights must be displayed on boats at all times during night fishing.
- Jet skiing, water skiing, and the use of airboats is prohibited.
- No Wake Zones and Closed Areas must be observed by all visitors.
- Marking fishing spots or boat trails is prohibited.
- Fishing is permitted only with pole and line or rod and reel. Fishing gear must be attended at all times.
- Trotlines, seine nets, throw nets and dipping for minnows are prohibited.
- Turtles, frogs, or other animals may not be collected or removed from the refuge.
- Fishing Tournaments can be permitted with a Special Use Permit. Permits must be requested at least 30 days in advance. No permits for Fishing Tournaments will be issued when refuge events are being held. A permit fee applies.
Visit the Fishing page for more information.