Community engagement and collaboration

The Science of the Service event occurs annually once a week April - June through a series of virtual webinars including a keynote speaker, traditional oral presentations, science briefs, poster sessions, and expert panels. The event provides a platform for Service staff to share data, discuss their findings, and trade ideas. It is designed to enhance the awareness and understanding of the scientific information, findings, techniques, and approaches used in the Pacific Region. Science of the Service is a cross-programmatic effort, staffed and funded over the years by Science Applications, Ecological Services, Fish & Aquatic Conservation, National Wildlife Refuges, and Migratory Birds programs.

Science Of The Service 2024

Kickoff: April 17th, 2024

Register to attend Science of the Service   

2024 Science of the Service Program

2024 Keynote Speaker - Dr. Nalini Nadkarni

Dr. Nadkarni is a researcher and professor at the University of Utah whose primary area of research focuses on the importance of life in the rainforest canopy. Not only is Dr. Nadkarni a leader in the field of tree canopy science, she is also behind the Sustainability in Prisons Project, an initiative focused on bringing science to correctional facilities through a series of workshops and conservation projects. She is active in public engagement within the scientific community but also with other audiences including the fashion industry, religious organizations, and she even served as a science adviser for Mattel's line of science Barbie Dolls!  The variety of ways you can find out more information about Dr. Nadkarni include her personal website, WikipediA page, and faculty profile.

Call for Abstracts

Abstract deadline extended to January 19th, 2024.

The 2024 Call for Abstracts is now OPEN. Please click here to start the process for submitting your abstract. 

Students who attend school in Oregon, Washington, Idaho or the Pacific Islands are welcome to submit an abstract. 

Please review the SOTS Presentation Guidelines before submitting your abstract. Use the Abstract Submission Guide to ensure your abstract is correctly formatted. 

FWS employees in Region 1 who wish to participate in SOTS should visit our SharePoint site for more information about submitting an abstract.

Special Publication of SOTS

Looking to publish your data? Presenters are invited to submit a manuscript associated with their work for consideration as part of a Special Publication of Northwest Science. Learn more.

Past SOTS Events

Keynote Speakers

Learn about keynote speakers from past SOTS events. 

Programs and Presentations 


SOTS 2023 Program 


SOTS 2022 Program 


SOTS 2021 Program



SOTS 2020 Program


  • April 21st Session: Kick-Off, Keynote Address
  • May 6th Session: Science Briefs
  • May 13th Session: A Tale of Three Understories: Do Upland Avian Communities Differ by Degree of Crested Wheatgrass Invasion of Sage-steppe Habitat?
  • May 20th Session: Palmyra Atoll Coconut Control Project Update
  • May 27th Session: Forecasting Spring Chinook adult returns within a management decision context
  • June 3rd Session: Application of advanced DNA sequencing techniques to monitoring of bull trout
  • June 10th Session: Herding the fish: Streamlining the storage, analysis, and distribution of National Fish Hatchery data with the adoption of a single database
  • June 17th Session: Impacts of ration size on growth and sexual maturation in YY Brook Trout: Implications in the biological eradication of an invasive species invasive species
    An invasive species is any plant or animal that has spread or been introduced into a new area where they are, or could, cause harm to the environment, economy, or human, animal, or plant health. Their unwelcome presence can destroy ecosystems and cost millions of dollars.

    Learn more about invasive species
  • June 24th Session: Juvenile mussel caging studies as a tool to evaluate the feasibility of restoring Western Pearlshell Mussels to western rivers
  • July 1st Session: Peaks and valleys: A decade of innovative conservation in the heart of Kaua'i's watershed


Fish Biologist, Nicole Hams, close up in front of a pond and trees
Fish Biologist - Science Communication and Outreach
Fish and Aquatic Conservation
Additional Role(s)
Directorate Fellowship Program Regional Coordinator,
Salmon in the Classroom Program Coordinator,
Science of the Service Planning Committee,
MANRRS Internship Regional Coordinator
Science Communication,
Curriculum Development,
Program Development and Strategic Planning,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology