What We Do
The UBT Program supports federal, state, and municipal agencies, non-governmental organizations, community groups, and academic institutions working to create bird-friendly environments and provide people with opportunities to connect with nature through bird-related activities. Cities can become healthier places for birds and other wildlife with an environmentally aware community dedicated to learning about, enjoying, and conserving birds and their habitats. This is not only good for birds but also for the health and well-being of people living in and visiting urban areas.
There are 2.9 billion fewer breeding birds in North America than there were in 1970. Even common species like Chimney Swifts have undergone staggering losses. Through programs like the Urban Bird Treaty Program, we can help bring them back by promoting sustainable actions to help birds.
The Urban Bird Treaty Program Guidebook provides a wealth of information and resources to support partners in existing Urban Bird Treaty cities and those interested in nominating their cities for Urban Bird Treaty City status.
- Protect, restore, and enhance urban habitats for birds.
- Reduce urban hazards to birds.
- Educate and engage urban communities in caring about and conserving birds and their habitats.
The Urban Bird Treaty program emphasizes bird habitat conservation through invasive species invasive species
An invasive species is any plant or animal that has spread or been introduced into a new area where they are, or could, cause harm to the environment, economy, or human, animal, or plant health. Their unwelcome presence can destroy ecosystems and cost millions of dollars.
Learn more about invasive species control and native plant restoration; hazard reduction efforts through bird-friendly building and Lights Out programs; community science activities involving bird and habitat monitoring; and collaborative engagement programs that provide people with opportunities to appreciate birds and participate in their conservation.
Other key features of the program include habitat acquisition and management; learning about and adopting sustainable practices that benefit birds; and providing opportunities for wildlife and natural resource job skill and career development for young people.
To learn more about partnership efforts in Urban Bird Treaty cities, please visit the Urban Bird Treaty City Story Map.
Our Services
- The Urban Bird Treaty Grant Program is administered through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program. To learn more about grants funded through the Five Star-Urban Bird Treaty Grant Program, please visit the Story Map dedicated to this grant program.
- The Urban Bird Treaty City Designation Program