
Data obtained from various migratory bird surveys and programs are used to produce reports and publications, guidance documents, management and conservation plans, and hunting regulations - all of which are necessary to conserve and manage migratory birds.


Man looking out a plane window. Jeff Drahota counting ducks in the Yorkton, SK area.
Annual migratory bird population status reports are posted each year in mid to late August. Highlighted species include waterfowl, American Woodcock, Mourning Dove, Band-tailed pigeon, Sandhill Crane, and Mottled Duck. Additional reports include population status on Peregrine falcon and Bald and...
Masked boobies sit on a dilapidated dock with Johnston Island sitting in the background.
Migratory birds face numerous threats throughout their annual cycles from human-caused sources. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is working with governments, conservation organizations, industry, and the public to reduce threats across the North American landscape to preserve our birds for...
Golden eagle upper body seen from behind with eagle head turned to the right looking at the camera
The purpose of the Migratory Bird Permit Memorandum (MBPM) series is to clarify regulations and other existing migratory bird permit policy to ensure internally consistent implementation of the migratory bird permit program.
Smal flock of white and grey shorebirds in the water. Photo appears to be taken from a distance
To better protect migratory bird populations and provide more certainty for the regulated public, the Service seeks to address human-caused mortality by providing information on beneficial practices to avoid and minimize the incidental injury and killing of migratory birds. The U.S. Fish and...
Bald eagle and golden eagle
Information about bald eagle and golden eagle biology, behaviors, and populations. Guidance and tools for conserving, managing, and monitoring eagles. Information on the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and it's regulations, as well as information on permits for eagle take, possession, and...
Common raven up close and looking at the camera with a white background
Explore our comprehensive approach to addressing the dynamic challenges posed by the increasing populations of common ravens in North America, as we strive to balance ecological integrity and human interests.