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Press Release
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks Public Comment on Draft Environmental Assessment Evaluating Impacts from Dunlap Wind Energy Project in Wyoming on Bald and Golden Eagles

DENVER - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking public comment on a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for PacifiCorp, doing business as Pacific Power/Rocky Mountain Power, the developer and operator of the Dunlap Wind Energy Project (Project). The existing and operational Project is located adjacent to the Freezeout Mountains to the northwest and Shirley Basin to the northeast in Carbon County, Wyoming. The draft EA analyzes the impacts of potentially issuing a 30-year incidental eagle take permit for the 74 wind turbine Project and evaluates conservation opportunities.

PacifiCorp’s Eagle Conservation Plan (ECP) formed the basis for PacifiCorp’s permit application. The ECP summarizes measures that are taken to avoid and minimize impacts to eagles and is available for public reference online.

The Project Area covers about 10,347 acres. PacifiCorp owns most of the acreage, with the exception of 640 acres owned by another private entity and 640 acres that are State of Wyoming lands leased by PacifiCorp for 35 years. The Project started operation in 2010 and is expected to operate through 2049.

The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act prohibits the “take” of bald and golden eagles without an eagle take permit. “Take” means to pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, destroy, molest or disturb an eagle. In 2016, the Service published a final rule authorizing take of eagle nests and the incidental (non-purposeful) take of eagles associated with an otherwise lawful activity.

The eagle take permitting system enables the Service to work collaboratively with industry to avoid and minimize eagle deaths, ensure golden eagle take is mitigated and gather essential information about eagles that will help to maximize eagle conservation across the nation.

The draft EA is available for public review and comment, and the ECP is available for public reference. Public comments will be accepted for the draft EA for 30 days. You can submit comments electronically by emailing Please include “Dunlap Wind Energy Project” in the subject line. Comments can also be submitted via U.S. postal mail:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior Region 7 – Upper Colorado Basin, Division of Migratory Birds, Attn: Rob Doster, P.O. Box 25486 DFC, Denver, CO 80225-0486.

The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. For more information on our work and the people who make it happen in the West, visit our website, or connect with us through any of these social media channels: FacebookTwitterFlickrYouTube, and Instagram.

Story Tags

Human impacts
Species of concern