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1994 Federal Register Index |
Proposed Rules Notices |
Alaska Federal public lands subsistence management regulations; review policies, 36063
Alaska National Interest
Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation
(subsistence priority), 29032, 32923
Correction, 51855
Moose and rainbow trout; customary and traditional use on public lands,
Correction, 28922
Alaska National Wildlife
Cabins management, 38312
Free ranging wolf or wolverine hunting; airborne trapper or hunter
prohibition, 39408
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge; O'Malley River Area; seasonal closure,
Clean Vessel Act pumpout grant program; implementation, 11204
Endangered and threatened
'akoko, etc. (eleven Hawaiian plants), 14482
Apalachicola rosemary, etc. (five Florida plants);
correction, 15345
Appalachian elktoe, 60324
Arctic peregrine falcon, 50796
Arroyo southwestern toad, 64859
Asplenium fragile var. insulare, etc. (four ferns from Hawaii), 49025
Auerodendron pauciflorum,
Ben Lomond spineflower, etc. (four Californian plants), 5499
footed ferrets --
Southwestern South Dakota; experimental population, 42682, 42696
Cherokee darter, etc., 65505
Colorado River endangered fishes; razorback sucker, etc. --
Critical habitat designation, 13374
Conservancy fairy shrimp, etc., 48136
Delta smelt, 65256
Desert tortoise, 5820
Correction, 9032
Findings on petitions, etc., 30254, 48406
Goliath frog, 63261
Gray whale (eastern North Pacific population), 31094
Gray wolf, 60252, 60266
Haha, etc. (three plants from Waianae Mountains, Oahu, HI), 32932
Holy Ghost ipomopsis, 13836
Hungerford's crawling water beetle, 10580
Kootenai River white sturgeon, 45989
Least Bell's vireo, 4845
Loach minnow, 10898
Manatees --
Sanctuaries in Kings Bay, FL, 24654
Mann's bluegrass, 56330
Melicope adscendens, etc. (three Hawaiian plant species), 62346
Mitracarpus maxwelliae, etc. (three plants from Puerto Rica), 46715
Morro shoulderband snail, and Chorro Creek bog thistle, etc. (five plants
from California), 64613
Myrcia paganii, etc., 8138
'Oha wai, etc. (21 plants from Hawaii, HI), 10305
etc. (24 plants from Kauai, HI), 9304
Pacific pocket mouse, 5306, 49752
Pamakani, 49860
Parish's daisy, etc. (five plants from San Bernardino Mountains, CA), 43652
Pendant kihi fern, etc. (12 plants from Hawaiian Islands), 56333
Plant list; reorganization and republication, 49848
Puerto Rican broad-winged hawk, etc., 46710
Recovery plans --
California condor, 49032
Rio Grande silvery minnow, 36988
Royal snail and Anthony's riversnail, 17994
Sacramento River winter-run chinook salmon, 13836
Saint Francis' satyr, 18324
Small whorled pogonia, 50852
Snake River spring/summer and fall chinook salmon, 54840
Spikedace, 10906
Texas ayenia, etc., 43648
Tidewater goby, 5494
Uvillo, etc. (two Puerto Rican trees), 60565
Virginia round-leaf birch, 59173
Water howellia, 35860
Western lily, 42171, 9935
Endangered Species Convention:
Appendices and amendments, 41981
Hunting and fishing:
Open areas list additions, 6680, 55190, 55194
Refuge-specific regulations, 6680, 6686, 55182, 55190
Importation, exportation,
and transportation of wildlife:
Designated port status --
Boston, MA, 33211
Gulfport, MS, et al., 42774
Mobile, AL, et al., 14119
Humane and healthful transportation to U.S. of wild mammals and birds,
Live farm-raised fish and fish eggs service; export requirements, exemption,
Migratory bird hunting:
Federal Indian reservations and ceded lands, 45235, 48569
Migratory bird harvest information program, 53334
Seasons, limits, and shooting hours; establishment, etc., 42474, 45588,
49304, 50424
Correction, 55531, 59967, 60060
Migratory bird permits:
Federal falconry standards; Kansas, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, 11203
Wild Bird Conservation
Act of 1992:
Exotic wild birds; importation to U.S., 62254, 62255
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation (subsistence priority), 45924
Alaska National Wildlife
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge; O'Malley River Area; seasonal closure,
Special use permits, 23043
Central Valley Project, CA; purposes, uses, and water supplies allocation, 39316, 49623, 67265
Endangered and threatened
African Birds, 14496
Alabama sturgeon, 288, 997, 31970, 47294
Withdrawn, 64794
Alexander Archipelago wolf, 44122
Animal candidates for listing, 58982
Appalachian elktoe, 3326
Argali (wild sheep in Kyrgyzstan et al.), 13302
Arkansas river shiner, 39532
Bald Eagle; reclassification, 35584, 49908
Barton Springs salamander, 7968, 27257, 35089
Cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, 63975
California gnatcatcher, 28508, 38426, 44125, 53628, 66509
California linderiella, 48154
California plants (159 species); meeting, 51404
California red-legged frog, 4888, 16792
Callippe silverspot butterfly, etc., 5377
Chinese Camp brodiaea, etc., 50540, 67268
Contra Costa goldfields, etc. (four plants from Northern California), 65311
Cumberland elktoe, etc. (five freshwater mussels), 35900, 59200
Cuyamaca Lake downingia, etc. (2 Southwestern California plants), 39879
Delissea undulata, 32946, 49907
Delta smelt, 852
Hearing, 3829
Eggert's sunflower, 46607
Fat three-ridge, etc. (seven freshwater mussels), 39524, 63987
Findings on petitions, etc., 869, 3067, 3824, 3830, 11755,
14382, 15361, 18353, 24117, 26476, 28328, 28329, 35303, 35304, 35305,
35496, 37439, 37738, 38424, 40639, 42203, 44123, 44958, 45659, 46022,
46611, 47293, 50557, 53776, 56457, 60119, 66507
Flat-tailed horned lizard, 8450
Gesneria pauciflora, 8165
Golden paintbrush, 24106, 34784
Goliath frog, 36737, 53628
Gray wolf, 42108, 42118, 47112
Hesperocnide sandwicensis, 10364
Hine's emerald dragonfly, 24678
Jaguar, 35674, 53627
Laguna Mountains skipper, etc. (2 California butterflies), 39868
Lake Erie water snake, 25024
Little Aguja pondweed, 67267
Little Mariana fruit bat, etc. (six endangered forest species from Guam)
Critical habitat designation; withdrawn, 15696
Lost River sucker, etc., 61744
Louisiana black bear, 10607
Critical habitat designation, 15366
Lynx, 4887
Maguire daisy, 46219
Marbled murrelet --
Critical habitat designation, 3811, 23824
Mexican spotted owl, 63162
Mitracarpus maxwelliae, etc. (three Puerto Rican plants), 44
Mount Hermon June beetle, etc. (three insects from Santa Cruz Mountains,
CA), 24112, 33484, 45254
Munz's onion, etc. (four southwestern California plants), 64812
Northern copperbelly water snake, 13472, 35307, 64647
Ortegon, 60598
Pacific pocket mouse, 5311, 9720
alkali grass, 14378, 44700
Puerto Rican broad-winged hawk, etc., 48
implementation program for endangered fish species in Upper
Colorado River Basin;
recovery action plan modifications, 31620
Recovery plans --
Railroad valley springfish, 32178
Red kangaroo, etc. (three kangaroo species in mainland Australia), 8163
Rock cress, 53
Sacramento splittail, 862
Hearing, 3829
Saint Francis' satyr, 18350
Saltwater and Nile crocodiles, 18652
San Diego fairy shrimp, 39874
San Diego fairy shrimp, etc., 49045
San Francisco lessingia, etc., 50550
San Xavier talussnail, 13691
Spring creek bladderpod, 43322
Spruce-fir moss spider, 3825
Stebbins' morning-glory, etc. (five Californian plants), 18774, 29778
Steller's eider; Alaska breeding population, 35896
Virgin spinedace, 25875, 33724, 56388
Endangered Species Convention:
American alligators harvested in 1995-1997; export, 66510
Appendices and amendments, 3832, 46023, 55235, 55617
Federal Power Act:
Fishways prescription process; license applicants and licensees, 45255
Hunting and fishing:
Open areas list additions, 36342, 36348, 53338
Refuge-specific regulations, 36342, 36348, 37134, 55074
Importation, exportation,
and transportation of wildlife:
American ginseng harvested in 1994-1996 seasons; exportation, 49046
Designated port status --
Gulfport, MS, et al., 13921
Eagle transportation permits for American Indians and public institutions,
Humane and healthful transportation to U.S. of wild mammals and birds,
Miscellaneous amendments, 47212, 58811
Polar bear trophy importation permit issuances, 53956
Migratory bird hunting:
Annual hunting regulations; and migratory bird hunting by Indian Tribes,
Service Migratory Bird Regulations Committee; meetings, 29700
Bismuth-tin shot as nontoxic for waterfowl and coot hunting during 1994-95
hunting season;
conditional approval, 43088, 60550
Federal Indian reservations and ceded lands, 42017
Migratory bird harvest information program, 11838
Seasons, limits, and shooting hours; establishment, etc., 35566, 43684,
Periodic reviews of significant regulations; request for comments, 9718, 36108
Rights-of-way; revised statute 2477 implementation, 39228
Wild Bird Conservation
Act of 1992:
Correction, 15966
Exotic wild birds; importation to U.S., 28826
Implementation, 12784
Agency hydropower policy; scope and content, 38985
Agency information collection activities under OMB review, 15216, 22681, 23228
Alaska National Wildlife
Big game guide-outfitter areas; proposal solicitation, 64098
Commercial uses; special use permit fees, 41164
Apex Houston oil spill restoration plan; availability, 55282
Clean Vessel Act:
Pumpout stations and dump stations; technical guidelines, 11290
Coastal Barrier Resource
Pacific study and maps; availability, 8652
Committees; establishment,
renewal, termination, etc.:
Silvio Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge Advisory Committee, 55487
Cooperative bird breeding
program; applications for approval:
Peregrine Fund, Inc., et al., 23744
Pike, Dan L., 35742
Endangered and threatened
Endangered Species Act activities; interagency cooperative policy statements
Candidate species guidance, 65780
Distinct vertebrate population segment identification, 65884
Ecosystems approach, 34273
Information standards, 34271
Peer review, 34270
Petition management guidance, 65781
Recovery plan, 34272
Section 9 prohibitions, 34272
State agencies, 34274
Endangered Species Consultation Handbook-Procedures for Conducting Section
Consultations and Conferences; availability, 65781
Florida panther; habitat preservation plan, 30034
Habitat Conservation Planning and Incidental Take Permit Processing
Handbook; availability, 65782
Recovery plans --
Alamosa and socorro springsnails, 12621
American chaffseed, 49252
Apalachicola rosemary, etc., 32712
Aristida chasae, etc., 48333
Arizona cliffrose, 7264
Blue shiner, 27577
California condor, 49032
Callicarpa ampla, etc., 47640
Carolina heelsplitter, 39780
Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew, 37260
Florida manatee, 66552
Florida panther, 47149
Goldline darter, etc. (Mobile River Basin aquatic ecosystem), 49418
Great Lakes and northern Great Plains piping plover, 35136
Green pitcher plant, 24468
Houghton's goldenrod, 36209
Kanab ambersnail, 49710
Kauai plant cluster, 49992
Key Largo woodrat, etc., 777
Large-flowered fiddleneck, 8270
Large-flowered skullcap, 28897
Leafy prairie clover, 28897
Leedy's roseroot, 36210
Leptocereus grantianus, 45704
Lesser long-nosed bat, 328
Little Colorado spinedace, 48899
Louisiana black bear, 38633
Maguire daisy, 49253
Masked bobwhite quail, 23229, 37261
Mexican long-nosed bat, 23230
Ouachita rock-pocketbook, 35948
Puerto Rican ferns, 34960
Pygmy madtom, 8013
Railroad Valley springfish, 32178
Relict darter, 67714
Rio Yaqui endangered and threatened fishes, 29437
Rough-leaved loosestrife, 34861
Sacramento prickly-poppy, 12341
Saltwater crocodile, 6291
San Marcos gambusia, etc., 40919
Sensitive joint-vetch, 45705
Shenandoah salamander, 41508
Smooth coneflower, 33982
Snake River aquatic species, 8655
Sonoran pronghorn, 46265
Spectacled eiders, 53660
Steamboat buckwheat, 61337
Tennessee yellow-eyed grass, 10823
Texas trailing phlox, 38199
Todsen's pennyroyal, 52187
Upper Colorado River Basin endangered fish, 52312
Waianae plant cluster, 49993
Western prairie fringed orchid, 23895
White irisette, 13994
Winged mapleleaf mussel, 19207
Yaqui catfish, etc., 39368
Endangered and threatened
species permit applications,
1969, 3375, 5208, 6292, 8482, 9240, 9767, 10161, 10162, 11306, 12621,
13993, 15216, 16657, 17565, 19206, 22171, 23076, 24467, 25856, 27030,
28109, 28558, 29614, 29818, 30806, 32218, 32460, 33540, 33983, 34859,
34862, 35136, 35742, 37050, 38200, 39573, 40918, 43353, 43587, 45001,
47148, 48636, 49419, 49709, 49991, 50765, 50923, 51994, 52803, 52804,
53203, 54204, 54206, 54920, 55701, 55851, 56089, 56529, 59242, 60370,
60999, 61338, 63101, 64431, 64696, 65068, 65383, 66006, 66046, 66047,
66361, 66554, 66972
Endangered Species Convention:
Agenda items and resolutions negotiating positions; ninth regular meeting,
illegal international trade by nationals of China and Taiwan; Pelly
Amendment to
Fishermen's Protective Act; certification request, 8998
Trade prohibitions in animal species from twelve countries, 63101
Environmental statements;
availability, etc.:
Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge, LA, 11621, 65384
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, LA, 42282
Columbia River fish; artificial production impacts, 37775
Conata Basin/Badlands area, SD; reintroduction of black-footed ferrets,
Cossatot National Wildlife Refuge, AR, 25115
Desert National Wildlife Range, NV; mineral withdrawal, 14199
Florida panther; genetic management options, 52804
Guam National Wildlife Refuge, GU, 35742, 60827
Habitat protection in selected areas of western portions of Washington,
Oregon, and northern California, 25116
Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, HI; building reconstruction, 28109
Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, OR, 30035
Incidental take permits --
Bakersfield (city) and Kern County, CA; San Joaquin kit fox, etc., 29435
Bakersfield, CA; blunt-nosed leopard lizard and San Joaquin kit fox, 32004
Baldwin County, AL; Alabama beach mouse, 9767
Brevard County, FL; Florida scrub jay, 13739, 18824, 31269, 33301, 33302,
47940, 54207, 64432
Caribe development, AL; Perdido Key beach mouse, 10654
Clark County et al., NV; desert tortoise, 5439, 27295, 32713
Cushenbury Sand and Gravel Quarry, CA; desert tortoise, 67337
Davenport Ranch Development, TX; black-capped vireo, 40918
Hell Canyon Quarry, UT; American peregrine falcon, 12976
John F. Kennedy Airport, NY; gull hazard reduction program, 28890
John Laing Homes, Inc.; Laguna Hills, CA; Stephens' kangaroo rat, 21995
La Costa Villages, Carlsbad, CA; coastal California gnatcatcher, etc.,
Monroe County, AL; Red Hills salamander, 52805
Pacific Gateway Homes Ltd.; Corona, CA; Stephens' kangaroo rat, 14424
Shell Oil Co. and Metropolitan Water District, Orange County, CA; California
and coastal cactus wren, 31646
Stallworth Preserve, FL; Choctawhatchee beach mouse, 60653
Travis County, TX; golden-cheeked warbler, 3560, 31269, 35380, 40920, 47148,
50923, 55852, 54627, 65385, 65540, 66361, 66555
Washington State Natural Resources Department, WA; northern spotted owl
and marbled murrelet, 22682, 27296
Williamson County, TX; golden-cheeked warbler, 66556
Yachats, OR; northern spotted owl and marbled murrelet, 58851
John Day River acid spill restoration plan, 28895
Key Cave National Wildlife Refuge, AL, 28896
Migratory bird subsistence hunting in Alaska, 10654, 34859
Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, CO; habitat management, 3561
New Madrid National Wildlife Refuge, MO; withdrawn, 58852
Olympic Experimental State Forest, WA; northern spotted owl, 10162
Pacific coastal barriers study, 31648
Patoka River National Wetlands Project, IN, 1024, 40053, 50766
Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, CO, 46989
Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, MI, 46444
South Tongue Point Land Exchange and Marine Industrial Park Development
Project, OR, 26515, 33006
Sport fish and wildlife restoration programs; Federal aid, 2420, 64211
Trinity River, CA; fishery restoration and maintenance, 51607
Walnut Creek National Wildlife Refuge, IA, 34649
Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho; reintroduction of gray wolves,
23896, 40921
Giant panda import permit applications; policy development, 23077, 42070
Grants and cooperative
agreements; availability, etc.:
North American Wetlands Conservation Council; document availability, 12977
Sport fish and wildlife restoration projects; policy and procedures for
selecting and funding Federal aid, 28110
Jurisdiction changes:
Assateague Island National Seashore, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge,
Wallops Island National Wildlife Refuge, VA, 25119
Marine mammal permit applications,
6292, 13504, 13740, 22172, 25957, 27031, 42282, 43588, 50766, 51418,
53829, 66555
Marine mammals:
Annual report availability (1991 CY), 49994
Authorization letters; incidental take --
Oil and gas industry activities; polar bears and Pacific walruses, 6961
Polar bear, sea otter, and walrus in Alaska; stock assessments, etc., 43353,
Alaska Federal Subsistence Board, 41429, 47608
Alaska Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Council, 40006
Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils, 47608
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, 1761, 4928, 7682, 14666, 16657, 19739,
25501, 45705, 60161
Clean Vessel Act education/information program development, 14199
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora International Trade Convention,
4096, 6292, 45307, 46266, 55682
Garrison Diversion Unit Federal Advisory Council, 18153, 50256
Klamath Fishery Management Council, 2421, 8013, 8014, 12977, 24179, 37507,
Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force, 15217, 28898, 56530
North American Wetlands Conservation Council, 55488
Ruffe Control Committee, 50618
Silvio Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge Advisory Committee, 55488,
Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council workshop, 43854, 45307, 55129
Memorandums of agreement:
Wetlands determinations on agricultural lands, 2920
Migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp (Duck Stamp) contest, 2857
National Wildlife Refuge System; compatibility lawsuit settlement documents; availability, 61762
Nestucca oil spill restoration plan; availability, 6293
Privacy Act:
Systems of records, 3732
Service manual planning and management chapter National Wildlife Refuge System; availability, 65440
Wild Bird Conservation
Act; prohibition on import of exotic birds:
African grey parrots, 14200
Guyana, 30807
Indonesia, 1563
Senegal, 1563
Wild Bird Conservation
Act of 1992:
Approval applications --
Hardaswick, Victor J., 45002
Jordan, Rick, et al., 63105
Implementation, 26810
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, 62413