Indirect Cost Recovery Rate Structure - Effective 10/1/2024

264 FW 1
Exhibit 3, 264 FW 1, 06/22/2023
Originating Office
Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics


Standard RateS

The standard rate applies to reimbursable agreements in which U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service) personnel perform the activities to provide goods and services in leased facilities.

The indirect cost recovery rate calculation parameters for Fiscal Year (FY)
2025-2026 are available on the Reimbursable and Federal Agreements team SharePoint site.

  • Servicewide (SW) – 2%
  • General Services (GS) – 14%
  • Regional Program (RP) – 6%
  • Regional Field Office Leased Space (RS) – 1%
  • Enterprise wide (EW) – 2%
Standard Rate for
D-1This rate applies to reimbursable agreements in which Service personnel in
Service-owned facilities perform the activities to provide goods and services, or
in cases where a hosting agency or cooperator provides space for staff.
  • SW – 2%
  • GS – 14%
  • RP – 6%
  • EW – 2%
Pass-ThroughD-2aA pass-through agreement is a funding mechanism used to direct funding or
payment to external entities. Funds are received from one party and passed
on to another party. Obligations and expenditures must reflect activity within
Budget Object Classes (BOCs) 25 (Contracts), 32 (Land and Structures), and
41 (Grants, Subsidies, and Contributions). Costs outside of these BOCs may not
exceed five percent of the agreement’s FY expenditures. If these costs exceed
five percent, the agreement must be separated into two Financial and Business
Management System (FBMS) project numbers with a pass-through component
and a component receiving a standard rate.

GS – 5%

Special Pass-Through
for Agreements Related
to Construction, Land Acquisition,
and non-Government Land
D-2bWe use this rate for private construction contractors/ subcontractors, right-of-way
agreements that involve two or more Department of the Interior (Department)
bureaus or offices, to make capital improvements or to buy new property,
or to give funding to a private landowner or another Government agency
for partnership projects on non-Government lands.

GS – 5%

International AgreementsD-4These agreements receive the standard rate(s), but allow for exceptions,
in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-25,
User Charges.
24% – 25%Varies based on standard rate(s)
Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act
(FWCA) – Service Personnel
D-5aWe use this rate for work performed by Service personnel with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) on agreements carrying out the provisions of the FWCA. This rate was established by Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) between the COE and the Service dated January 22, 2003, and the BOR and the Service dated October 26, 1982.38%
  • SW – 2%
  • Headquarters Program – 5%
  • GS – 14%
  • RP – 14%
  • RS – 1%
  • EW – 2%
FWCA – SubcontractedD-5bWe use this rate for work, subcontracted to a third party, with the COE and BOR
on agreements carrying out the provisions of the FWCA. This rate was established
by MOUs between the COE and the Service dated January 22, 2003, and the
BOR and the Service dated October 26, 1982.
  • GS – 5%
  • RP – 7%
  • RS – 1%
  • EW – 2%
Spill ResponseZThis rate applies to agreements for activities related for response to oil spills
or hazardous materials spills with the U.S. Coast Guard or the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
24% – 25%Varies based on standard rate(s)
Natural Resource
Damage Assessment and
D-6This rate applies to settlement agreements when developing estimates for
submission to the Department of Justice for restoration work.
24% – 25%Varies based on standard rate(s)
EPA SuperfundD-7We use a 0% rate for activities related to cleaning up hazardous waste sites
for EPA Superfund projects.
Grants Received –
National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
D-8aGrant funds we receive from NFWF must be processed as a reimbursable
agreement and are not assessed an indirect cost rate.
Grants Received – Federal SourceD-8bGrant funds we receive from a Federal source must be processed as a
reimbursable agreement and are assessed an indirect cost rate. 
24% – 25%Varies based on standard rate(s)
Grants Received – Non-Federal SourceD-8c

Grant funds we receive from a non-Federal source may be
processed as a reimbursable agreement or a donation. 

  • If processed as a reimbursable agreement, the
    standard indirect cost rate(s) apply. 
  • No rate is assessed if processed as a donation and
    deposited into a Contributed Funds account. 
24% - 25%Varies based on standard rate(s)
Special Approved
Reduced Rate
D-10We may use a special approved reduced rate when the
Assistant Director – Management and Administration (AD-MA) signs
an exception to policy (FWS Form 3-2208) authorizing a lower overhead rate.
0% – 25%Varies
Wildland Fire
D-11We may use a 0% rate for certain wildland fire reimbursable agreements
where the statement of work meets the conditions of the National MOU
for Wildland Fire Management and is with one or more of the cooperating
agencies (i.e., Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service). The agreement must be sent to
the Fire Budget Officer in the Interagency Fire Center and the Joint
Administrative Operations (JAO), Policy, Economics, Risk Management,
and Analytics Division Chief for concurrence to ensure conditions of the MOU are met.
Resources and
Ecosystems Sustainability,
Tourist Opportunities, and
Revived Economies (RESTORE)
of the Gulf Coast States
Act Pass-Through
D-12We use this rate for reimbursable projects funded by the RESTORE Act,
as amended, and subsequently passed through to an external entity (31 CFR 34).
  • SW – 1%
  • GS – 2%
Upper Colorado and
San Juan River Basins
Endangered Fish Recovery Programs Act
D-13We use this rate for reimbursable projects funded by the Act (Public Law 106-392
expires September 30, 2031).
  • SW – 1%
  • GS – 1%
  • RP – 1%
Intragovernmental Personnel
Agreements (IPAs)
ZWe use a 0% rate when personnel are detailed to other bureaus or agencies
where there are no additional costs incurred for space, phones, etc. To qualify,
a Notification of Personnel Action (Standard Form-50) or an
Assignment Agreement (Optional Form-69) must document the IPA.
International Technical
Assistance Program (ITAP)
ZFor ITAP travel with the Department.0%N/A
Award Agreements
ZWe do not apply an indirect rate to intragovernmental award agreements.0%N/A
Travel Agreements
ZWe do charge a full standard rate when personnel travel on behalf
of other bureaus or agencies (non-ITAP).
24% – 25%Varies based on standard rate(s)
Agreements for
Emergency Appropriations
ZWe use a 0% rate for emergency supplemental functional areas.0%N/A
Agreements with Special Authorizing Legislation or Departmental PolicyZAD-MA’s signature is required, and the appropriate legislation/policy
document must be attached to the agreement when submitting it to
the JAO Reimbursable and Federal Agreements team.
Based on Leg. or PolicyBased on Legislation or Policy