Purpose: Explain in one sentence, if possible, what you want the Director or Deputy Director to do. For example: The purpose of this package is to request the Director’s final approval on new U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Manual chapter 110 FW 1, the Example Title of Chapter program.
Coordination with the Office of the Solicitor: Describe any coordination with the Office of the Solicitor (SOL) and their level of review. If the office has approved a final draft, indicate that here, and use the name of the individual in SOL with whom you coordinated.
Background: Provide a brief description of the policy, any appropriate history, and if it is a revision, major changes. Keep it brief and use bullets, if possible. For example: This chapter:
- Will supersede the previous version of this chapter, dated May 2, 2011; and
- Authorizes and encourages all Service programs to conduct cooperative fish and wildlife conservation, education, and outreach activities in urban communities.
Review Summary: Describe who reviewed the draft. If it’s a final draft that has been through Directorate review, state that and explain that you’ve included a Comments Summary in the package. For example: The policy:
- Was developed in consultation with other Service programs to ensure relevancy to all of the Service’s efforts to engage new audiences and create a connected conservation constituency; and
- Was submitted for a 30-day Directorate review (see DCN #XXXXX). All comments have been considered and addressed in the final policy, or in the responses to comments document, which is included in this surname package.
Level of Controversy: State the level of controversy. If it’s higher than “None” or “Low,” explain why. For example: Medium. Although we do not expect any controversy, several Regional offices indicated they are concerned about the additional level of effort necessary to fully implement the policy.
Program Contact/Author
Division or Branch
(List phone number and email address)