Grants and Other Financial Support

903 FW 2
FWM Number
Originating Office
Office of Conservation Investment

2.1 Operating Expenses of the NFWF are raised from individuals, corporations, foundations, and management fees. Federally appropriated funds are not used for operating expenses of the NFWF.

2.2 Grants.

A. The NFWF provides funding in the form of challenge grants to assist priority fish, wildlife, and plant conservation programs. The NFWF receives appropriations from Congress to match funds raised by grantees. These federally funded challenge grants must be matched by private contributions on a one-to-one basis or higher. The NFWF strives to achieve a 2:1 match for each Federal dollar awarded. All challenge funds raised by the grantee must be in cash, land donations and contributed goods and services and cannot be applied to other Federal matching programs.

B. Challenge and other grants are distributed to individuals, universities, conservation organizations and agencies for projects which meet the goals of the major initiatives. Approved projects are administered in accordance with grant specifications.

2.3 Cooperation with the Service.

A. The NFWF works to coordinate all grant-making with the Service. In this regard, the NFWF and the Service work closely to develop projects, review project submissions by outside parties, and to evaluate project results.

B. The NFWF provides three primary forms of grants and financial assistance to the Service:

(1) Challenge grants where the Service is the grantee receiving a grant consisting of State and/or private funds and NFWF matching funds.

(2) Pass-Through grants where the Service is the grantee receiving private funds donated to the Foundation from a third party to benefit a particular program of the Service.

(3) Facilitated grants where the NFWF receives funds from the Service, usually under a cooperative agreement or contract, to perform specific conservation work.

C. Service personnel interested in receiving a NFWF grant, should first contact NFWF staff to determine whether the grant request is appropriate and of interest to NFWF. If interest exists, a Foundation Grant Application must be filled out. Copies of the application are available from NFWF at:

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

1120 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Suite 900

Washington, DC 20036

(202)857-0166, fax (202)857-0162

2.4 Responsibilities.

A. Regional and Assistant Directors must ensure that in all dealings with the NFWF there is no deviation from the normal administrative procedures regarding contracting and grants.

B. Service Employees.

(1) Must ensure that the appropriate Assistant and Regional Directors are apprised of all initiatives and inquiries concerning potential Service involvement with the NFWF.

(2) Should direct parties inquiring about NFWF grants or projects with potential for NFWF involvement to the NFWF.