Job Corps Program

142 FW 3
FWM Number
140 FW 1 – 3, 02/17/1995
Originating Office
Division of Facilities and Operations (NCTC)

3.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? This chapter describes the requirements for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to work with other agencies to implement the Job Corps program.

3.2 What is the Job Corps program?

A. The Job Corps is a Department of Labor program that provides basic education, vocational training, counseling, social skills training, and health care for at-risk youths, ages 16-24, in a residential setting to help prepare them for occupations and responsible citizenship.

B. The Department of Labor has the lead responsibility within the Executive Branch for administering the program. In that capacity, it determines the policies, standards, and requirements that govern the Job Corps, allocates resources, and establishes operational plans and objectives for maintaining and implementing the program in accordance with Federal laws and regulations.

C. Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers (centers) are geared to incorporate needed conservation projects into students' vocational training efforts. Students learn and reinforce skills while working on construction or other projects that result in facility improvements.

3.3 What is the Service’s involvement with Job Corps?

A. The National Wildlife Refuge System (Refuge System) may provide land or facilities, or both, for the Job Corps program. The Refuge System does not administer Job Corps activities at a center. The Department of Labor (either through the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) or a contractor) administers the centers and their activities.

B. The Refuge System hosts one center (Treasure Lake Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center) on Service-owned land at the Wichita Mountain National Wildlife Refuge. The USFS administers the center. In addition, the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge has a center adjacent to the property, and the USFS also hosts that center.

C. Refuge Managers may agree to work with Job Corps organizations across the United States by partnering with them on vocational projects on refuge lands (e.g., trail improvements, facility renovations, etc.).

3.4 What is the authority for the Service’s involvement in the program? The authority for the program is the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-220, Section 147(c)).

3.5 Who is responsible for the Job Corps program on Service lands?

A. The Chief – National Wildlife Refuge Service ensures there is policy in place that describes the Service’s participation in the Job Corps program.

B. Assistant Regional Directors for the Refuge System ensure that those Refuge Managers who are working with Job Corps programs have adequate agreements in place for the activities that take place under a partnership(s).

C. The Refuge Manager, Wichita Mountain National Wildlife Refuge:

(1) Ensures there is a memorandum of understanding in place that describes the roles and responsibilities of the Service, the USFS, and the Department of Labor for running the center at that refuge; and

(2) Monitors Job Corp center operations and activities to ensure they are consistent with refuge plans, policies, and regulations.

D. Other Refuge Managers may partner with the USFS or Department of Labor to offer vocational training opportunities at refuges for Job Corps students.