Program Evaluation

062 FW 3
FWM Number
Originating Office
Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management

3.1 Program Evaluations.

A. Program evaluations are conducted by the Office for Human Resources in accordance with Part 420, Evaluation System, and Part 422, Program Evaluation, to assess the effectiveness of the overall Human Resources Program in the Regions and Headquarters, and to provide guidance and assistance as necessary. Program evaluations may also be conducted by the Department of the Interior, Office of the Inspector General, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and General Accounting Office.

B. The Service uses program evaluations to ensure that all managers, supervisors, and employees understand the purposes of Human Resources Program; that they are knowledgeable of their rights and responsibilities; that the program is effectively managed; and that the program has appropriate resources and visibility within the Regions and Headquarters.

3.2 Program Evaluation Schedules.

A. OHR reviews all Regional offices and Headquarters on a periodic basis. Each organizational unit is reviewed approximately once every four years. Other types of evaluations may be scheduled as needed.

B. The Regional Directors and Assistant Directors are advised in writing at least 45 days before the commencement of an on-site review.

3.3 Evaluation Methodology.

A. Prior to the on-site program evaluation, the Team Leader with the concurrence of the Chief, Office for Human Resources, appoints a Review Team. The Team Leader requests each team member to review relevant reports, including statistics and past Program Evaluation Reports, to determine if specific problems must be addressed on-site. The Team Leader advises the appropriate Assistant Regional Director - Human Resources or Human Resources Officer - Headquarters, of the specific documents which must be available to the team on-site.

B. When possible, questionnaires are distributed to a random sample of managers, supervisors, and employees and returned to the Team Leader prior to the on-site review. The questionnaires are reviewed to determine if any specific issues need to be raised in addition to the ones usually included in a program evaluation.

3.4 Program Evaluation Procedures.

A. The on-site portion of the evaluation takes approximately one week to complete. All Human Resources Program areas (not just Affirmative Employment) will normally be covered.

B. The program evaluation begins with an opening conference attended by the Review Team, the Regional/Assistant Directors, and members of their staff, depending on the preference of the RD/AD. At the end of the review, the Review Team presents a summary of the review findings at a closeout conference with the RD/AD. The Review Team briefs the ARD-HR or HRO-WO of the summary prior to meeting with the RD/AD.

C. Interviews are scheduled in advance by the ARD-HR or HRO-WO in coordination with the Team Leader. During the on-site portion of the program evaluation, interviews are conducted with the RD/AD, Deputy RD/AD's, ARDs and their deputies, Human Resources staff, Personnel Officer and other Personnel staff, and randomly selected managers, supervisors, and employees. Employees are advised by the ARD-HR or HRO-WO that a program evaluation will be conducted during the specified time frame and that they may request an interview with team members.

D. The ARD-HR or HRO-WO schedules a walk-through of the Regional Office or main Headquarters buildings. The purpose of this walk-through is to assess the work environment, ensure that EEO policies are posted, ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities, and determine that there are no offensive pictures, posters, or other items which may be viewed as creating a hostile work environment based on race, sex, disability, etc.

E. The Review Team reviews reports prepared by the ARD-HR or HRO-WO including Affirmative Employment Program Reports for women and minorities, Interim Assessment Reports, and other required reports. They also review Background Information Surveys to ensure records are being properly maintained.

F. The Review Team also reviews personnel records and merit promotion files to ensure that EEO and affirmative employment laws and regulations are appropriately implemented and that outreach efforts are documented for positions covered by Affirmative Employment Plans.

G. Review Team instructions, observation sheets, and interview questions are prepared and maintained by the OHR and serve as guidelines for the interviewer. Team members are instructed to ask follow-up questions that may be necessary due to information provided by the interviewee.

3.5 Reports and Records.

A. OHR prepares a report of the Program Evaluation for the Deputy Director's signature, consistent with Reports, 420 FW 3. The report must include the following areas:

(1) Affirmative Employment Programs (AEP) section addressing program direction and implementation, and program plans and activities for the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program, Disabled Veteran's, and Individuals with Disabilities. In addition, information is also included on Interim Assessment Reports, workforce profile, employee recognition, upward mobility program, student employment, recruitment and outreach, special emphasis programs, training, personnel activities, prevention of sexual harassment, volunteer/internship programs and AEP recommendations.

(2) Discrimination Complaints Processing section outlining program direction, implementation and recommendations.

(3) Federally Assisted Program section outlining program direction and implementation. This section also contains information on the following areas: pre-award and post-award compliance reviews, training and technical assistance, self-evaluations and transition plans, complaints, data collection and reporting, program evaluation, outreach and recommendations.

(4) Federally Conducted program section outlining program direction and implementation. This section also contains information regarding self-evaluations and transition plans, data collection and reporting, complaints, community outreach and communications, program accessibility/special incentives, program evaluation, training and technical assistance and recommendations.

(5) Summary of Interviews.

B. Follow up reviews are conducted when appropriate. In addition, issues raised in prior program evaluations will be carefully reviewed in the next program evaluation cycle.

The Office for Human Resources will also provide technical assistance to Regional Offices through the detail of staff to the Region or through training and orientation in Headquarters as needed to assist with staff shortages or as new programs or procedures are implemented.