
Resources from the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office.


Photo of a lesser prairie chicken
Documentation of New Mexico Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA)/Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA). These are voluntary conservation agreements between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and one or more public or private parties. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works...
Blue and white bird sits on tree branch
Browse our library for more information about the Endangered Species Act and our work to conserve endangered, threatened, and candidate species.
Final Biological and Conference Opinion for Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Non-Federal Water Management and Maintenance Activities on the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico

Final Biological and Conference Opinion for Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Non-Federal Water Management and Maintenance Activities on the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico completed on December 2, 2016 (Consultation Number 02ENNM00-2013-F-0033). Please note, this document...

Cover photo
The purpose of these documents is to provide recommendations for standardizing and streamlining Endangered Species Action (ESA) section 7 consultations for listed plant species and their designated critical habitats. These documents are not formal guidance on how to analyze and mitigate potential...
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher singing on a branch
The following survey protocols were developed to standardize survey efforts for federally listed species. Survey protocols must be followed during all surveys to guarantee acceptance by our office. In addition, in coordination with conservation partners we offer threatened and endangered species...