All Fish Technology Centers (FTCs) are responsible for publishing at least one peer-reviewed paper per year, and most FTCs produce many more. The requirement is so negligible because publishing papers is more a means than an end for FTCs. The primary function of FTCs is to provide information that may be used to make scientifically based management decisions. Sometimes that information is very important, but not unique or complete enough to publish. Sometimes the information is so important, that it is obligatory to share it via a peer-reviewed paper.
Cossey, D. A., Dennis, M. M., Richard, J., Della Torre, C., McElwain, A., Waller, D. L., Knowles, S., Brian, J. I., Leis, E., Burioli, E. A. V., & Aldridge, D. C. (2025). Sampling mass mortality events to enable diagnoses: A protocol using freshwater mussels. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 16, 250–268.
Leis, E., Cone, D. & Appy, R. Supplemental description of Gyrodactylus olsoni (Monogenea van Beneden, 1858) from Gillichthys mirabilis (Gobiidae) including molecular phylogeny and ecology. Syst Parasitol102, 22 (2025).
Fritts, M., Gibson-Reinemer, D., Appel, D., Lieder, K., Henderson, C., Milde, A., Brey, M., Lamer, J., Turney, D., Witzel, Z. and Szott, E., 2024. Flooding and dam operations facilitate rapid upstream migrations of native and invasive fish species on a regulated large river. Scientific reports, 14(1), p.20609.
Fritts, A.K., D.K. Gibson‐Reinemer, B.C. Knights, A.S. Milde, J.C. Stanton, M.K. Brey, D.S. Appel, A.R. Cupp, S.J. Tripp, J.T. Lamer, M.W. Fritts. 2024. Upstream experience and experimental translocation of invasive bigheaded carps results in increased upstream passage success at a navigation lock in a large river. River Research and Applications.
Klymus, K. E., J. D. Baker, C. L. Abbott, R. J. Brown, J. M. Craine, Z. Gold, M. E. Hunter, M. D. Johnson, D. N. Jones, M. J. Jungbluth, S. P. Jungbluth, Y. Lor, A. P. Maloy, C. M. Merkes, R. Noble, N. V. Patin, A. J. Sepulvada, S. F. Spear, J. A. Steele, M. Takahashi, A. W. Watts, S. Theroux 2024. The MIEM Guidelines: Minimum Information For Reporting of Environmental Metabarcoding Data. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 8: e128689.
Knowles, S., Leis, E.M., Richard, J.C., Bojko, J., Weiszinger, J., Standish, I. & D.L. Waller. 2024. Hirsutonosema embarrassi n. gen., n. sp. in the ovary of mucket (Actinonaias ligamentina), plain pocketbook (Lampsilis cardium) and fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea) (Unioinidae) from the Embarrass River, USA. Parasitologia 4(2):184-198.
Leis, E., Katona, R., Dziki, S., McCann, R., Standish, I., Opgenorth, E., Dikkeboom, A., Lim, A., Ford, C.E. & T. Goldberg. 2024. Novel Aquareovirus isolated from Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) used in mussel restoration efforts in Wisconsin. Journal of Fish Diseases 47(6): e13938.
Leis, E. M., Dziki, S., Blevins, E., Waller, D. L., Richard, J. C., Knowles, S., & Goldberg, T. L. (2024). Bacteriological analysis of unionid hemolymph collected from freshwater mussel populations in the Pacific northwestern United States. Invertebrate Biology, 143(4), e12441.
McAllister CT, Leis EM, Cloutman DG, Camus AC, Arroyo-Torres I, Gretebeck L, Rodriguez MR, Robison HW. A new species of Myxobolus (Cnidaria: Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) from the gills of the green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus (Perciformes: Centrarchidae), from the Ouachita River Drainage of Western Arkansas. Syst Parasitol. 2024 Dec 3;102(1):9. doi: 10.1007/s11230-024-10208-6. PMID: 39623182.
Richard JC, Lane TW, Agbalog RE, Colletti SL, Leach TC, Dunn CD, Bollig N, Plate AR, Munoz JT, Leis EM, Knowles S, Standish IF, Waller DL, Goldberg TL. Freshwater Mussel Viromes Increase Rapidly in Diversity and Abundance When Hosts Are Released from Captivity into the Wild. Animals (Basel). 2024 Aug 30;14(17):2531. doi: 10.3390/ani14172531. PMID: 39272316; PMCID: PMC11393864.
Boone M. La Hood, Tyler C. Thomsen, Allison W. Lenaerts, Madeline G. Tomczak, Emily A. Szott, Zebadiah Woiak, Kyle M. Von Ruden, Katherine D. Bockrath, Kevin S. Irons, James T. Lamer, Light Trapping Reveals Multiple Bigheaded Carp Spawns Upstream of Lock and Dam 19 in the Upper Mississippi River, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:81-91, 2023
Cone, David K, Appy, Ralph G., and Leis, Eric M. 2023. Gyrodactylus, Fundulotrema, and Salsuginus Species (Monogenea) Infecting Fundulus parvipinnis parvipinnis (Osteichthyes: Fundulidae) in Central and Southern California Estuaries and Bays. Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences, 122(2):62-79
Coulter, A.A., D.P. Coulter, E. Lark, M.W. Fritts, C. Davis, D. Glover, R. Goforth. 2022. Sublethal Effects of Acoustic Dummy Tag Implantation and External Tags in Silver Carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:1502-1512
Cupp, A., Erickson, R., Gaikowski, M., Leis, E., Luoma, J., Nelson, R., Smerud, J., Standish, I., Tuttle-Lau, M., & S. Wolfe. 2023. Effectiveness of Aquaflor (florfenicol) and Terramycin 200 for Fish (oxytetracycline) administered in feed to control Lake Herring (Coregonus artedi) mortality associated with Aeromonas salmonicida infections. North American Journal of Aquaculture 85(2). doi: 10.1002/naaq.10283.
Eric M. Leis, Sara Dziki, Jordan Richard, Rose Agbalog, Diane Waller, Joel Putnam, Susan Knowles, Tony Goldberg. 2023. Further Bacteriological Analysis of Annual Pheasantshell (Actinonaias Pectorosa) Mussel Mortality Events in the Clinch River (Virginia/Tennessee), USA, Reveals a Consistent Association with Yokenella regensburgei. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation, 26(1), 1-10,
Goldberg, T.L., Blevins, E., Leis, E.M., Standish, I.F., Richard, J.C., Lueder, M.R., Cer, R.Z., & K.A. Bishop-Lilly. 2023. Plasticity, paralogy and pseudogenization: rhabdoviruses of freshwater mussels elucidate mechanisms of viral genome diversification and the evolution of the finfish-infecting rhabdoviral genera. Journal of Virology 97(5).
Knowles S, Dennis M, McElwain A, Leis E, Richard J. Pathology and infectious agents of unionid mussels: A primer for pathologists in disease surveillance and investigation of mortality events. Veterinary Pathology. 2023;0(0).
Leis, E., Bailey, J., Katona, R., Standish, I., Dziki, S., McCann, R., Pachecho, J., Eckert, N. & W. Baumgartner. 2023. A mortality event involving endangered Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) associated with Gyrodacyylus conei n. sp (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) effectively treated with Parasite-S (Formalin). Parasitologia 3: 205-214.
Leis, E.M., Dziki, S., Standish, I., Richard, J., Weinzinger, J., Harris, C., Waller, D., Putnam, J., Knowles, S., & T. Goldberg. 2023. A bacteriological comparison of the hemolymph from unionid populations in the upper Midwestern U.S.A. prompts the development of diagnostic assays to detect Yokenella regensburgei. Microorganisms 11.
McAllister, C.T., Cloutman, D.G., Leis, E.M. et al. A new Myxobolus (Cnidaria: Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) from the gills of the southern striped shiner, Luxilus chrysocephalus isolepis (Cypriniformes: Leuciscidae), from southwestern Arkansas, USA. Systematic Parasitology (2023)
McAllister, C.T., Leis, E.M., Cloutman, D.G. et al. Pseudomurraytrema fergusoni n. sp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from gills of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Vagococcus salmoninarum, Moxostoma pisolabrum (Catostomidae) from Arkansas, USA, with a description of gill pathology. Syst Parasitol 100, 159–170 (2023).
McAllister, C.T., Standish, I., Leis, E., Arroyo-Torres, I. & H.W. Robison. 2023. First report of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis from Bullfrog, Rana catesbeianus from Western Arkansas. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 103: 54-58.
Tuttle-Lau, M. T., Leis, E. M., Cupp, A. R., Peterman, L. L., Hebert, J. L., Erickson, R. A., Schleis, S. M., & Gaikowski, M. P. (2023). Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to reduce Gyrodactylus species infestation density on four fish species. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.
Bockrath, Katherine & Maloy, Aaron & Rees, Christopher & Tuttle-Lau, Maren & Mize, Erica. (2022). Environmental DNA (eDNA) Best Management Practices for Project Planning, Deployment, and Application. 10.13140/RG.2.2.12200.96006.
Bockrath, Katherine & Tuttle‐Lau, Maren & Mize, Erica & Von Ruden, Kyle & Woiak, Zeb. (2022). Direct comparison of eDNA capture and extraction methods through measuring recovery of synthetic DNA cloned into living cells. Environmental DNA. 4. 10.1002/edn3.330.
Chris T. McAllister, Donald G. Cloutman, Eric M. Leis, Alvin C. Camus, Stanley E. Trauth, Ethan T. Woodyard, Henry W. Robison. 2022 "A New Species of Myxobolus (Cnidaria: Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) from the Gills of Creek Chub, Semotilus atromaculatus (Cypriniformes: Leuciscidae: Plagiopterinae), from the Ouachita Drainage of Arkansas," Journal of Parasitology, 108(5), 476-486,
Katherine D. Bockrath, Maren T. Tuttle-Lau, Erica L. Mize, Kyle Von Ruden, Zebadiah Woiak, Direct comparison of eDNA capture and extraction methods through measuring recovery of synthetic DNA cloned into living cells, Environmental DNA Vol. 4, Iss. 5, 1000-1010, Jun 2022
Katona, R., Standish, I., McCann, R., Dziki, S., Puzach, C., Bailey, J., Warg, J., & E. Leis. 2022. Recent isolations of the Spring Viremia of Carp Virus (SVCV) in the upper Mississippi River (USA), including a new host, the Quillback Carpsucker Carpiodes cyprinus. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 34(2):92-97.
Knowles, S., Leis, E.M., Richard, J.C., Cole, R., Agbalog, R.E., Putnam, J.G., Goldberg, T.L. and Waller, D.L. 2022. A Novel Gonadotropic Microsporidian Parasite (Microsporidium clinchi n. sp.) Infecting a Declining Population of Pheasantshell Mussels (Actinonaias pectorosa) (Unioinidae) from the Clinch River, USA. Parasitologia 2: 1–12.
McAllister, C.T., Cloutman, D.G., Leis, E.M. et al. A new species of Myxidium (Cnidaria: Myxosporea: Myxidiidae) from the gallbladder of pickerels, Esox spp. (Esociformes: Esocidae), from southwestern Arkansas, USA. Systematic Parasitology 99, 611–620 (2022).
Richard, J.C.; Leis, E.M.; Dunn, C.D.; Harris, C.; Agbalog, R.E.; Campbell, L.J.; Knowles, S.;Waller, D.L.; Putnam, J.G.; Goldberg, T.L. Freshwater Mussels Show Elevated Viral Richness and Intensity during a Mortality Event. Viruses 2022, 14, 2603.
Standish, I., McCann, R., Puzach, C., Leis, E., Bailey, J., Dziki, S., Katona, R., Lark, E., Edwards, C., Keesler, B., Reichley, S., King, S., Knupp, C., Harrison, C., Loch, T., & Phillips, K. (2022). Development of duplex qPCR targeting Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Vagococcus salmoninarum. Journal of Fish Diseases, 45, 667– 677
Eric Leis, Tran Kim Chi, and Jaakko Lumme. 2021. Global phylogeography of salmonid ectoparasites of the genus Gyrodactylus, with a special emphasis on the origin of the circumpolar Gyrodactylus salmonis (Platyhelminthes; Monogenea). Comparative Parasitology 88: 130-143
Eric M. Leis, Russell H. Easy, Allie Scovil, David K. Cone, Donald G. Cloutman, Chris T. McAllister, and Henry W. Robison. 2021. Urocleidus sayani n. sp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from the gills of pirate perch (Aphredoderus sayanus), U.S.A. Journal of Parasitology 107(2) 214–221
Eric Leis, Russell Easy and David Cone. 2021. New host and geographical records of Gyrodactylus mediotorus (Monogenea) from Notropis texanus in Wisconsin. Systematic Parasitology 98:247–253
Isaac Standish, Eric Leis, Sara Erickson, Ryan Katona, Wes Baumgartner, Iman Ibrahim, Kevin Hanson, Tony Goldberg. 2021. Nephroblastoma in a common mudpuppy Necturus maculosus simultaneously present with a mollicute bacterium of the genus Acholeplasma. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 33:44–52
Richard, Jordan C., Lewis J. Campbell, Eric M. Leis, Rose E. Agbalog, Chris D. Dunn, Diane L. Waller, Susan Knowles, Joel G. Putnam, and Tony L. Goldberg 2021. "Mussel Mass Mortality and the Microbiome: Evidence for Shifts in the Bacterial Microbiome of a Declining Freshwater Bivalve" Microorganisms 9, no. 9: 1976.
Standish, I. Leis, E., Erickson, S., Katona, R., Baumgartner, W., Hanson, K., Ibrahim, I., & T. Goldberg. 2021. Nephroblastoma in common mudpuppy Necturus maculosus associated with a mollicute bacterium of the genus Acholeplasma. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 33:44-51.
Jordan Richard, Eric Leis, Christopher D. Dunn, Rose Agbalog, Diane Waller, Susan Knowles, Joel Putnam, and Tony L. Goldberg. 2020. Mass morality in at-risk pheasantshell mussels (Actinonaias pectorosa) in the Clinch River, USA, linked to a novel densovirus. Scientific Reports 10:14498
Markéta Ondračková, Mária Seifertová, Anna Bryjová, Eric Leis, Pavel Jurajda. 2020. Morphometric and genetic based evidence for incipient speciation of Gyrodactylus nebulosus (Monogenea) in non-native European populations of Ameiurus nebulosus and A. melas. Parasitology 147(14):1700-1711
Standish, I., Erickson, S., Leis, E., Baumgartner, W., Loch, T., Knupp, C., McCann, R., Puzach, C., Katona, R., Lark, E., Bailey, J., Buening, J., Edwards, C., & K. Phillips.2020. Vagococcus salmoninarum I - a chronic coldwater streptococcosis in broodstock broodstock
The reproductively mature adults in a population that breed (or spawn) and produce more individuals (offspring or progeny).
Learn more about broodstock brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Wisconsin, USA. Journal of Fish Diseases 43(3):305-316.
Standish, I., Leis, E., Erickson, S., McCann, R., Puzach, C., Katona, R., Lark, E., Bailey, J., Kleman, E., Buening, J., Edwards, C., Loch, T., & K. Phillips. 2020. Vagococcus salmoninarum II - qPCR, tropism and egg-associated transmission. Journal of Fish Diseases 43(3):317-325.
Appel, D.S., G.A. Gerrish, E.J. Fisher, and Fritts M.W. 2019. Zooplankton sampling in large riverine systems: A gear comparison. River Research and Applications 2019: 1–13.
E L Mize, R A Erickson, C M Merkes, N Berndt, K Bockrath, J Credico, N Grueneis, J Merry, K Mosel, M Tuttle-Lau, K Von Ruden, Z Woiak, J J Amberg, K Baerwaldt, S Finney, E Monroe, Refinement of eDNA as an early monitoring tool at the landscape-level, Ecological Applications, 2019, Volume 29, Issue 6, Article e01951, DOI: 10.1002/eap.1951.
Eric M. Leis, Thomas G. Rosser, Wes A. Baumgartner, Matt J. Griffin. 2019. Two novel myxozoans from Pirate Perch Aphredoderus sayanus (Gilliams, 1824) in the upper Mississippi River, including the first North American species of Hennegoides Lom, Tonguthai, & Dyková, 1991. Journal of Parasitology 105(6) : 918-927
Eric Leis, Sara Erickson, Diane Waller, Jordan Richards and Tony Goldberg. 2019. Culturable bacteria identified from the hemolymph of unionid mussels from the upper Mississippi River basin compared to Clinch River. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation and Biology 22:70-80
Faisal, M., Shavalier, M., Winters, A., Standish, I., Glenney, G., Van Deuren, M., Van, Amberg, J., Aho, J., Whelan, G. & T. Loch. 2019. Resurgence of salmonid herpesvirus-3 infection (epizootic epitheliotropic disease) in hatchery propagated lake trout (Salvelinus namycush) in Michigan. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 31(1):31-45.
Faisal, M., Standish, I.F., Vogelbein, M.A., Millard, E.V. & S.L. Kaattari. 2019. Production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) immunoglobulin and development of an indirect ELISA for detection of circulating antibodies against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus genotype IVb. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 88:464-471.
Leis, E., Erickson, S., McCann, R., Standish, I., Katona, R., Brecka, B. & W. Baumgartner. 2019. Bluegill picornavirus isolated from a mortality event involving bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) in the upper Mississippi River. Journal of Fish Diseases 42(2):1-8.
Nguyen T. K. Vo, Levi C. Moore, Eric M Leis, Stephanie J. DeWitte-Orr. 2019. Class A scavenger receptors mediate extracellular dsRNA sensing, leading to downstream antiviral gene expression in a novel American toad cell line, BufoTad. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 92:140-149
Sara Erickson, Eric Leis and Steven Simpson. 2019. Spending characteristics of bass, salmon, and walleye fishing tournament anglers in Wisconsin. Journal of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health 3:155-174
Sarah J Poynter, Eric Leis, Stephanie J DeWitte-Orr. 2019. In vitro transcribed dsRNA limits Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHSV)-IVb infection in a novel fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) skin cell line. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 86:403-40
Standish, I.F., Erickson, S., Kleman, E., McCann, R. Katona, R. & E. Leis. 2019. Yersinia ruckeri isolated from Common Mudpuppy Necturus maculosus. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 31(1):71-74.
Thomas B. Waltzek, Kuttichantran Subramaniam, Eric Leis, Ryan Katona, Marisa Barbknecht, Kelly Rock, Michael A. Hoffman. 2019. Genomic and Ultrastructural Characterization of a Bunyavirus isolated from Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides). Virus Research 273:197761.
Tony Golberg, Christopher Dunn, Eric Leis and Diane Waller. 2019. A Novel Picorna-Like Virus in a Wabash Pigtoe(Fusconaia flava) from the upper Mississippi River, USA. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation and Biology 22:81-84
TY - JOUR AU - Guan, Xin AU - Monroe, Emy AU - Bockrath, Katherine AU - Mize, Erica AU - Rees, Christopher AU - Lindsay, Denise AU - Baerwaldt, Kelly AU - Nico, Leo AU - Lance, Richard PY - 2019/07/01 SP - T1 - Environmental DNA assays for invasive populations of the Black Carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus, in North America VL - 148 DO - 10.1002/tafs.10195 JO - Transactions of the American Fisheries Society ER -
Zhang, Q., Shavalier, M., Standish, I., Glenney, G.W. & M. Faisal. 2019. Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for the detection and quantification of epizootic epitheliotropic disease virus (salmonid herpesvirus-3). Journal of Virological Methods 264:44-50.
Eric M. Leis, Russell Easy and David Cone. 2018. Supplemental description of Gyrodactylus fairporti VanCleave, 1921 (Monogenea) from 1 month old black bullhead (Ictalurus melas) in riverside pools in Wisconsin. Parasitology Research 117:1265–1269
Eric M. Leis, Russell Easy, Leah Maclean and David Cone. 2018. Ligictaluridus michaelalicea n. sp. (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) in the upper Mississippi River, including remarks on taxonomy influencing monogenean treatment regulation in the United States. Parasitology Research 117(3): 825–830
Leis, M.E., McCann, R., Standish, I., Benney, B. & C. Finnerty. 2018. Comparison of lethal and nonlethal sampling methods for the detection of Largemouth Bass Virus (LMBV) from largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in the upper Mississippi River. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 30(3):217-225.
Merry, J.L., M.W. Fritts, N.C. Bloomfield, and J. Credico. 2018. Invasive Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) nearing the Mississippi River. American Midland Naturalist 180: 290-297.
Standish, I., Leis, E., Schmitz, N., Credico, J., Erickson, S., Bailey, J., Phillips, K. & T. Lewis. 2018. Optimizing, validating and field testing a multiplex qPCR assay for the detection of amphibian pathogens. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 129(1):1-13.
Standish, I., Leis, E., Zinnel, L., Schmitz, N. & J. Creedico. 2018. Janthinobacterium lividum in Wisconsin amphibians. Herpetological Review 49(3):473-479.
Eric M. Leis, Thomas G. Rosser, Wes A. Baumgartner and Matt J. Griffin. 2017. Henneguya laseeae n. sp. from flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) in the upper Mississippi River. Parasitology Research 116: 81–89.
Joel G. Putnam, Justine G. Nelson, Eric M. Leis, Richard A. Erickson, Terrence D. Hubert and John J Amberg. 2017. Using silver and bighead carp cell lines for the identification of a unique metabolite fingerprint from thiram-specific chemical exposure. Chemosphere 168:1477-1485.
Larson, James & Knights, Brent & Mccalla, S. & Monroe, Emy & Tuttle-Lau, Maren & Chapman, Duane & George, Amy & Vallazza, Jon & Amberg, Jon. (2017). Evidence of Asian Carp Spawning Upstream of a Key Choke Point in the Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 37. 903-919. 10.1080/02755947.2017.1327901.
Thurner K, Goforth RR, Chen S, Amberg J, Leis E, Kinsella JM, Mahapatra C, Sepúlveda MS. 2017. Viruses, bacteria and helminths of invasive carp: Insights from an in vitro assay and a survey with native fishes in a large Midwestern River. Journal of Fish Pathology 30: 135-148
William N. Batts, Scott E. LaPatra, Ryan Katona, Eric Leis, Terry Fei Fan Ng, Marine O. Brieuc, Rachel B. Breyta, Maureen K. Purcell, Carla M. Conway, Thomas B. Waltzek, Eric Delwart, James R. Winton. 2017. Molecular characterization of a novel orthomyxovirus from rainbow and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Virus Research 230: 38–49
Eric Leis, Russell Easy and David Cone. 2016. A report of the potential pathogen Pseudocapillaria (Pseudocapillaria) tomentosa (Dujardin, 1843) (Nematoda) from red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis) shipped from Missouri to Wisconsin. Comparative Parasitology 83(2):275-278
Eric Leis, Stanley King, Sarah Leis and David Cone. 2016. Infections of Gyrodactylus crysoleucas and Gyrodactylus sp. (Monogenea) at a Golden Shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas) Farm in Minnesota. Comparative Parasitology: 83(1): 105-110
Amberg, Jon & Mccalla, S. & Monroe, Emy & Lance, Richard & Baerwaldt, Kelly & Gaikowski, Mark. (2015). Improving efficiency and reliability of environmental DNA analysis for silver carp. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 41. 10.1016/j.jglr.2015.02.009.
Mccalla, S. & Lance, Richard & Rees, Christopher & Keller, Doug & Baerwaldt, Kelly & Berndt, Nicholas & Amberg, Jon & Monroe, Emy. (2015). Investigating the Performance of Next-Generation Sequencing for Fish Community Monitoring.
Amberg, Jon & Rees, Christopher & Monroe, Emy & Lance, Richard & Mccalla, S. & Gaikowski, Mark. (2014). Importance of Valid Environmental DNA Markers As Part of Integrated Pest Management of Aquatic Invasive Species.
Marisa Barbknecht, Sol Sepsenwol, Eric Leis, Maren Tuttle-Lau, Mark Gaikowski, Nick Knowles, Becky Lasee and Michael Hoffman. 2014. Characterization of a new picornavirus isolated from the freshwater fish Lepomis macrochirus. General Journal of Virology 95: 601-613
Mark Gaikowski, Sue Schleis, Eric Leis, Becky Lasee, and Richard Endris. 2014. Effectiveness of Aquaflor (50% florfenicol) administered in feed to control mortality associated with Streptococcus iniae in tilapia at a commercial tilapia production facility. North American Journal of Aquaculture 76 (4): 375-382