Projects and Research

Unknown Cause of Mass Mortality Events in Mussels

Across the country, scenes of thousands of freshwater mussel shells scattered on the banks and bottoms of lakes and rivers haunts scientists. For the most part these mussel die-offs are unexplained and mysterious. Pollution and contaminants are a well known cause of mortalities but in the case of these die-offs there were no contaminants found....

Invasive Carp in the United States 

Management of invasive carp populations is one of the biggest conservation challenges facing the United States today. Assessing the reproductive potential of grass carp and black carp in the wild can help fisheries managers determine control methods for invasive carp species. Grass Carp and Black Carp can be important biological tools for managing closed...

National Wild Fish Health Survey Mapper

The National Wild Fish Health Survey provides information on the presence or absence of aquatic animal pathogens in wild fish populations to tribes, state and federal fisheries managers, the aquaculture industry, conservation groups, researchers, and the public. This information helps to better manage both hatchery and wild fish populations. ...

A free alternative to releasing your fish into our environment

The La Crosse Fish Health Center offers a free and humane option for euthanizing fish that can no longer be cared for. By choosing this method, you help prevent the introduction of aquarium fish into our rivers and lakes, which is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems and protecting against invasive species. This service is...