If the phone line is down, please contact jane_hendron@fws.gov or  jessica_dambrosio@fws.gov for assistance.

Management Team

Scott Sobiech (scott_sobiech@fws.gov) - Field Supervisor

Kris Petersen - (kristine_petersen@fws.gov) Deputy Field Supervisor

Carlsbad Office

Jonathan Snyder (jonathan_d_snyder@fws.gov) - Assistant Field Supervisor

Carol Roberts (carol_a_roberts@fws.gov) - Division Supervisor for Los Angeles and Orange counties, and Camp Pendleton

Lauren Kershek (lauren_kershek@fws.gov) - Acting Division Supervisor, Conservation Partnerships Program

Bradd Bridges, (bradd_bridges@fws.gov) - Division Supervisor, Listing & Recovery

Susan Wynn (susan_wynn@fws.gov) - Division Supervisor, Unincorporated San Diego County

David Zoutendyk (david_zoutendyk@fws.gov) - Division Supervisor, Coastal San Diego

Jane Hendron (jane_hendron@fws.gov) - Division Supervisor, Public Affairs and GIS

Emilie Luciani (emilie_luciani@fws.gov) - GIS Supervisor

Vacant - Administrative Officer

Palm Springs Office

Brian Croft (brian_croft@fws.gov) - Assistant Field Supervisor

Vacant - Supervisor, Colorado Desert Division

Karin Cleary-Rose (karin_cleary-rose@fws.gov) - Supervisor, Inland Division

Peter Sanzenbacher (peter_sanzenbacher@fws.gov) - Supervisor, Mojave Desert Division

Other General Contacts

Jane Hendron, Public Affairs Specialist

Jessica D'Ambrosio, Public Affairs Specialist

Stacey Love, Recovery Permit Coordinator

Location and Contact Information