Featured Species

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A biologist holds an Ozark hellbender

The Ozark hellbender (C. a. bishopi) is restricted to southern Missouri and northeastern Arkansas (Nickerson and Mays 1973). The Ozark subspecies is described as having dark dorsal blotching and noticeably pronounced chin mottling as opposed to the dorsal spotting of the eastern subspecies which...

FWS Focus
A black and white photo: from right to left, a back view of a man’s upper torso as an ivory-billed woodpecker climbs up the man’s left upper-arm while staring into the man’s face.

The Ivory-billed Woodpecker is noted for its striking black-and-white plumage; robust white, chisel-tipped bill; lemon-yellow eye; and pointed crest. Males are red from the nape to the top of their crest with black outlining the front of the crest. Females have a solid black crest which is...

FWS Focus
Two red cockaded woodpeckers face each other on a tree limb with pine needles and blue sky visible in the background

22 cm. Rather small black-and-white woodpecker with longish bill. Above black barred white. Below white with black spots on flanks. Black crown, nape and moustachial stripe border white cheeks and side of neck. Male has small red mark on the side of nape. Juvenile browner with variable extent of...

FWS Focus
Grey, white and black bird on sand in the foreground

Size: 18 cm (7.25 in) in length. Color: Breeding season: Pale brown above, lighter below; black band across forehead; bill orange with black tip; legs orange; white rump. Male: Complete or incomplete black band encircles the body at the breast. Female: Paler head band; incomplete breast band....

FWS Focus
A group of juvenile and adult red knot forage along the shoreline.

Length: 25-28 cm. Adults in spring: Above finely mottled with grays, black and light ochre, running into stripes on crown; throat, breast and sides of head cinnamon-brown; dark gray line through eye; abdomen and undertail coverts white; uppertail coverts white, barred with black. Adults in...

FWS Focus
Two large white birds with spindly legs and black tips on their wings coming in for a landing in a wetland

The whooping crane occurs only in North America and is North America’s tallest bird, with males approaching 1.5 m (5 ft) when standing erect. The whooping crane adult plumage is snowy white except for black primaries, black or grayish alula (specialized feathers attached to the upper leading end...

FWS Focus
Benton County cave crayfish

Cambarus aculabrum is a small, white, troglobitic crayfish with an overall body length reaching about 48 millimeters (1 .8 inches). This species is distinguished from related surface (epigean) species by a total lack of pigment, and by reduced eyes. It is distinguished from its closest...

FWS Focus
Hell Creek cave crayfish captured at new species location.

C. zophonastes was first described from five specimens collected from Hell Creek Cave (Hobbs and Bedinger 1964). This cave crayfish is stygobitic, lacks pigment and eyes, and has an overall body length reaching 2.5 to 3.0 inches.

FWS Focus
white, translucent fish swims in cave stream

The Ozark Cavefish is a small 2-1/4 inch long, blind, pinkish-white fish. Due to the dark environments in which it resides, sight is unnecessary and the cavefish has no eyes.

FWS Focus
Male yellowcheek darter captured during a survey.

The yellowcheek darter is a small and laterally-compressed fish that attains a maximum standard length of about 6.4 cm (2.5 in), and has a moderately sharp snout, deep body, and deep caudal peduncle (Raney and Suttkus 1964). The back and sides are grayish brown, often with darker brown saddles...

FWS Focus
A pallid sturgeon swims along a rocky stream bed. The fish is long and slender, with whiskers and small ridges along its back and sides.

The pallid sturgeon was first recognized as a species different from shovelnose sturgeon by S. A. Forbes and R. E. Richardson in 1905 based on a study of nine specimens collected from the Mississippi River near Grafton, Illinois (Forbes and Richardson 1905). They named this new species...

FWS Focus
Gray bats flying under tree canopy outside of Sauta Cave

Long, glossy fur, light brown to brown. Ears dark, usually black; longer than in any other myotis; when laid forward extend 1/4 cm (7 mm) beyond nose. Tragus long and thin. Calcar keeled.

FWS Focus
Cluster of roosting bats.

The Indiana bat is a medium-sized Myotis, closely resembling the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) but differing in coloration. Its fur is a dull grayish chestnut rather than bronze, with the basal portion of the hairs on the back a dull-lead color. This bat's underparts are pinkish to...

FWS Focus
Ozark big-eared bats in a cave.

Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii is a medium-sized bat with forearms measuring 39 to 48 millimeters (mm) long and weighing 7 to 12 grams. Total body length is 98 mm, the tail is 46 mm, and the hind foot is 11 mm long. This bat's long ears (over 2.5 centimeters) and facial glands on either...

FWS Focus
Arkansas fatmucket

Outline elliptical to oblong ovate, slightly to moderately inflated, anterior end rounded; sexually dimorphic with posterior end somewhat pointed in males, broadly rounded to truncate in females. Valves thin to moderately thick. Umbos moderately full, slightly projected above the hinge line....

FWS Focus
neosho mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana)

The Neosho Mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana) is a freshwater mussel in the family Unionidae. Frierson (1927) described the Neosho Mucket as a dimorphic (male and female shape differs) species; the male is elliptical, rounded before biangulate behind, with dorsal and basal margin equally arched,...

FWS Focus
Ouachita rock pocketbook

This species has undergone a name change. Find current information at the Ouachita rock pocketbook entry. 

Shell thin, elliptical to oblong ovate, only slighty inflated, umbo small, only scarcely raised above hinge line; posterior ridge rounded; sexually dimorphic with females more broadly rounded posteriorly and slightly inflated, pseudocardinal teeth thin but well developed, lateral teeth thin....
FWS Focus
Three different sizes of Rabbit's Foot Mussel
The rabbitsfoot is a medium to large mussel, elongate and rectangular, reaching 12 cm (6 inches) in length (Oesch 1984). Parmalee and Bogan (1998) describe the beaks as moderately elevated and raised only slightly above the hinge line. Beak sculpture consists of a few strong ridges or folds...
FWS Focus

The snuffbox is a small- to medium-sized mussel, with males reaching up to 2.8 in (7.0 cm) in length (Cummings and Mayer 1992, p. 162; Parmalee and Bogan 1998, p. 108). The maximum length of females is about 1.8 in (4.5 cm) (Parmalee and Bogan 1998, p. 108). The shape of the shell is somewhat...

FWS Focus
Geocarpon MacKenzie was a monotypic genus originally described by K.K. MacKenzie (1914). It was placed in the family Caryophyllaceae. However, recent phylogenetic work suggests that it should be placed in the genus Mononeuria and it is now known as Mononeuria minima. This new scientific...
FWS Focus
Pondberry, Lindera melissifolia, is a deciduous shrub, growing from less than 1 ft. (30 cm) to, infrequently, more than 6 ft. (2 m) in height. Leaves are aromatic, alternate, elliptical, somewhat thin and membranaceous, with entire margins. Shrubs usually are sparsely branched, with fewer branches...
FWS Focus
close up of a green striped mussel in a person's hand

The Ouachita fanshell (Cyprogenia cf. aberti), a freshwater mussel, currently occurs in the Lower Red-Ouachita basin in Arkansas and occurred historically in Louisiana. The Ouachita fanshell is currently an undescribed species, now recognized by species and taxonomic experts as distinct...

FWS Focus
Seven western fanshell on red mesh bag

Western fanshell is a medium-sized freshwater mussel found in the Lower Mississippi-St. Francis, Neosho-Verdigris and Upper White River basins within Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.

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